Claira was just so...tired. Tired of everything. Tired of being alone all the time and of feeling like no one cared. When was the last time she even talked to anyone to hold a conversation? She honestly couldn't remember. This day marked the third week her parents had been gone and other than the 'check up' phone call every few days to make sure she actually still alive or hadn't burned down the house, she hadn't seen or heard from her parents in those weeks. Yet, even when they were home, they were always....distant. Always shut up in their office doing who knew what. They never tried to spend time with her or get to know her. And school of course was the same. She watched some video, did a few math problems or other little projects on her own, and then she was done. No interactions. No friends. While all other teenagers her age were out, being with people that cared about them and having fun, she was stuck at home. Alone. Perhaps it was that feeling of loneliness that lead her down the path she was on now. The path that had her decide to just...end it. Of course, then there was the concern of how. Her first thought was pills. Her parents had a bunch of painkillers up in the cabinet that she had easy access to. Yet, the thought of swallowing a foreign substance to end herself seemed unappealing to her. Hanging herself was another way, but was just as unappealing as the idea of pills. Same with shooting herself. Perhaps it was the fact that, if she did that, her parents would be the ones to find her. They would come home, to find their daughter dead. Despite their lack of acknowledgment, she did love her parents and didn't want them to see something like that. Which, after ruling those other options, left her where she was now. Standing on the roof of one of the skyscapers in the city, staring down at the traffic below, leaning forward against the railing as she considered if this was the best option. It would be quick, and there was a chance she wouldn't even feel anything when she finally hit the ground. That, and by the time her parents heard about it and managed to get a flight home, they would have her body taken care of. Of course, she had written a note, placing it in the pocket of her jeans, so that when they went to find out who the girl that jumped from the building was, they would know it was her and her parents wouldn't have to come and identify her. She didn't want them to see her so broken like that. [color=ec008c]"Alright, Claira...this is it."[/color] Slowly, the young woman moved, lifting one leg over the railing, and then the other, so that she could drop down the side ledge of the building, where there was just a foot or so of space separating the side of the building from the open air. Stealing her nerves, she closed her eyes, readying herself for the inevitable drop that she would face as soon as she stepped off of that ledge.