[center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBcyuVVUQAEzONk.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180515/97caacbceeb199a2a729638f0625a511.png[/img][hr][/center][indent][color=3A5057]"Well then I guess we have to do it the old fashioned way and just start kickin' and punchin'."[/color] Abe chuckled, doing his best to ease the tension alongside his partner. Their hands were bound tight, so there wasn't an option to start throwing around real punches, but they had to do something if they wanted to get out of the room and from wherever they were being held. The wizard hadn't made a move before because he didn't know where Claire was or if she was okay, but now being in the room with her and a conscious one at that, he was ready to do whatever it would take. "We don't have much choice in what we can do." Abram sighed, shaking his head in heartache. [color=3A5057]"I know we've been trained for this, but we're going to have to try and rush out or something."[/color] Abram wasn't much of a thinker, he went with his gut and would usually follow through on it. He honestly was hoping that his partner had a better idea for their current situation of getting out of the room. He figured they had at least thirty minutes to an hour until one of the men would rotate back into the room to check if the two were still alive. That would have been enough time for them to strategize and come up with a plan of action. [color=3A5057]"I know my plan kind of sucks, so I'm all ears if you have one."[/color] The handsome man said, licking his lips. [/indent]