Ratchet turned to face Linkle as she directed him towards the giant reptile, she seemed pleasant enough but her saying something about them just waking up to only made Ratchet more curious about what had happened. Then the robot woman listed out all the robots she'd seen, and unfortunately Clank wasn't among them."Thanks." He said to them giving them both a slight nod before he sped up to be walking alongside Bowser, he was a too preoccupied with his thoughts to notice the wave from Tora. Bowser was a little more intimidating up close if Ratchet were to be honest, but not because of the height difference (He was used to being half peoples height) but more so due to the mystery of what he was. After Bowser started talking though it became clear he wasn't just a big stupid monster like some of the other similar races that Ratchet had come across, though he did seem pretty presumptuous declaring Ratchet as part of his army. But hey if he knew what was going on it'd be better to stick with him for a while anyway, if he was going to find Clank he was going to need more than just his wrench. Ratchet took a moment to look at the second sun, so that was the cause of all this? And it was the one who had Clank, and apparently almost everyone else too? So that was the end game then, get rid of it and fix everything. It's not like Ratchet was new to saving the Galaxy. "Well if taking down whatever that is will save everyone, it looks like we've got a star to destroy." He said as he continued to follow after Bowser. He wasn't sure how long he was going to be able to put up with all the yelling though, this guy was almost as bad as Nefarious... Ratchet simply watched as Bowser yelled at all the blackened shapes, a bunch of armless fodder and some big turtles. Then Bowser shot out a torrent of fire [i]why is it the giant monsters always breath fire?[/i] he shook his head slowly and pulled out his wrench. Getting ready for what he felt like might turn into a fight. He couldn't help but feel a little bit naked without his guns, not to say he wasn't capable without them, many arenas had already seen what he can do with it alone. But just not having a blaster at all, it was uncomfortable to say the least. [hr] word count: 423 Location: Mario path