[quote=@souleaterfan320] *Amaranthine energy just as strong counters it, causing violent reasctions around me* Hawk:[color=aba000][i]The Amaranthine shall not let me die. I serve a purpose. I, am the hammer of war.[/i][/color] *a portal opens above the planet, revealing an Amaranthine energy ball twice as big as the planet itself* [color=aba000][i]...And I'll be the one to drop the nails into your coffin.[/i][/color] *reaches to the sky, and the energy violently begins whiping into my hands, shredding the dimensional fabric around me* [/quote] You want to play that game? [i]I'll show you how to play that game![/i] *Holds out my hand as a beam of electricity half its size blasts into your ball of Amaranthine*