Kaleeth let out a sigh and shook her head. [i]"I can't believe you told him anything else [b]other[/b] than to avoid getting close to her like that. Whenever we come back here again, she'll surely have moved on with her life."[/i] Finally, Kaleeth uncrossed her arms and relaxed, at least somewhat. [i]"But, you might be right. He is young, and I doubt he's going to be like...us. Maybe I'll go talk to Juran-Selth. I feel like there is a lot the two of us should talk about, with the bad history we've had. Clearing the air, and everything. Maybe you should go check on Julan?"[/i] [hr] Ahnasha hesitated a moment on how to phrase her answer. "I can make that promise...to the limits of what I know. In the moment. I can't promise to never be wrong, get bad information from scouts or spies, or anything like that, but no warrior is all-knowing. We can only fight for what we believe in, fight to defend ourselves and loved ones, and make the best judgments we can. I think you will make for a great warrior, Rhazii. You have strength, skill, and most importantly, a good heart. If there is one thing I trust you for, son, it is that you will do what is right." "You do have a lot to learn, Rhazii." Ahnasha said, putting on a smile as she moved over close beside Rhazii and wrapped her arm around him. "But, who knows, maybe I can learn something from you too?"