[hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=b8860b]Reginald Keystone[/color][/b][/i][/h1] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/8dc58e9c-1548-4a96-8184-e838e475e422.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=darkgoldenrod][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Ferry (Elite Deck -> Cargo) [color=b8860b][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Perception [/center][hr][hr] The notion that Vera's quarters had been breached, as was reported by George, gave the Lord Major an immediate sense of militant urgency. One hand strayed to the hilt of his sword while the other rested upon the holster of his custom Webley revolver. It was not until the younger American explained the particulars of the situation that Reginald reined in his desire to rush off in spirited defense of Vera. Cooler heads must prevail. Vera was safe, she was not alone, and he must put more trust in his Fellowship. All the same, it was obvious that whomever had been shadowing them in Cairo had made it onto the boat with them, ever curious as to their plans and seemingly intent upon stopping them. [color=b8860b]"Why do you suppose that could be, Mr. Benaszewski? This outing is academic in nature, you see. Except for the odd sort of dreams, spontaneous burnings, and odd compulsions to seek out symbols in the small hours, I mean. But why would someone not wish for us to get answers?"[/color] Of course, if Reginald had the answer to that last question, it would reveal much about their situation. The other questions would have to remain lurking in the background of Reginald's mind for at least a little bit longer. As he and George entered the section of Cargo that contained their goods and supplies, the Lord Major took to scrutinizing the area. At first it seemed that all was well and their belongings had avoided the same sort of intrusions that were visited upon Lady Munn's quarters above. Then Reginald noticed something amiss - a label at an off angle. Further inspection gave him the impression that it had been removed, looked over, and put back by inexpert hands. And there were others. One replaced backwards. Another upside down. Almost as if they were removed and replaced hastily by unknown parties. [color=b8860b]"I say, Mr. Benaszewski? Look here... this appears to be out of order. Say what you will about the Corporal; he is an obnoxious fellow, loud and grating, but the man is nothing if not meticulous. To a fault, I should say. There is an order to which the British Military stores and categorizes supplies, and that man would have himself flogged publicly (or likely do so himself), were something out of that order on his watch."[/color] The Lord Major reached into his uniform's inner coat pocket and produced an item of paperwork. [color=b8860b]"The Corporal handed over our individual manifest as we were boarding, among other things. I daresay I shall not be useful for identifying much from the Museum, but perhaps we may do a preliminary?"[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=bdb76b]Haring Reddish[/color][/b][/i][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/8d/6b/0c/8d6b0c4ffc33b6bbbf94247c82b34642--hugh-laurie-young-man.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=darkkhaki][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Ferry (Elite Deck) [color=bdb76b][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Perception [/center][hr][hr] For all of his supposed suave confidence and very British propriety, Reddish seemed to initially tense up in a manner that could have been described as boyish, even a little nervous, as Josephine moved in closer to him for purpose of taking the picture. As the countdown proceeded prior to the actual photograph being taken, he forced himself to adopt more a more relaxed posture. After the picture was snapped, he even chuckled at himself a little under his breath. It was silly for him to act in that way, even for a second - the unbidden reaction that a schoolboy might have for the pretty girl he was crushing on. Reddish was a veteran of the Great War and presently in the service of a living legend. Yet now that he had been left to his own devices, however interim his free time might be, Reddish found himself quite beguiled by the American starlet. He silently reminded himself to act in a manner respectful and appropriate to his station and her own, noting the difference in the two, and simply be grateful that she acquiesced to be in his escort at all. He listened attentively to the desire for a print of the picture, beaming a proud smile at her for the mention. [color=bdb76b]"Oh [i]absolutely[/i], Miss Clarke! Though I daresay it makes less of an impression, you being immortalized in photography with a nameless non-com. I should be [i]happy[/i], ma'am, to know that you wish to remember the evening. Positively giddy."[/color] Addressing Josephine's further concern of gathering unwanted attention, Reddish nodded his head vigorously. [color=bdb76b]"Say no more, madame! Say no more. I've no desire whatsoever to cause any sort of a fuss nor scene, that I can promise you. I desire only to keep the picture as a memento of one very noteworthy time during my service to look back upon, maybe prove to the occasional nay-sayer that I was [i]indeed[/i] in your presence were they to, well... to nay-say."[/color] His smile turned to the wistful, [color=bdb76b]"Or perhaps to look to a back genuinely happy moment when the inevitabilities of life weigh too ponderously, Miss Clarke. Thank you, madame. Thank you very much for humoring me."[/color] The Corporal gave his request for number and size of prints to the photographer, providing his room number for the next day's delivery. It must be a tidy source of income for the man, he reasoned, even if it involved lugging about cases full of equipment from place to place. Not too unlike what Reddish did, thinking on it, though he was salaried modestly by The Crown. After satisfied with the coming pictures, he took to note what Josephine had just asked: Was there anything else he wished to do? There went that schoolboy nervousness again. Perhaps it was like anticipating a battle; the wait was killer, but he tended to operate just fine once the actual conflict began. There were several things he might wish to do upon a well appointed riverboat along the Nile, given time and opportunity. But again, propriety and simple manners begged for gentlemanly modesty and the desire to maintain comfort of the lady at all times, unless she directly dictated otherwise. As he paused to formulate an answer, he could not help but notice a sudden change in the temperature. The desert tended to do that at night, but this seemed more drastic; even unseasonably so. As a chilling breeze whistled past them, Reddish pushed his sleeves back down fully, covering the marks on his arms and hopefully promoting a little resistance to the sudden drop in temperature. [color=bdb76b]"Well, Miss Clarke, ah... at the risk of speaking out of place, I was [i]hoping[/i] to behave in a manner that was [i]so befuddlingly charming[/i] as to have us make an evening of it. But! But, if I were forced to pin down a [i]single[/i] activity that speaks to convenience, or at least a segue elsewhere, I [i]do[/i] believe that I had promised to find you a drink more suited to your preference, ma'am. Something less sweet? And if it please you, perhaps someplace indoors, away from this wind. Even with my khaki drill jacket, I do not believe that you are dressed suitably for this sudden chill."[/color] That was strange, the turn of the weather. Something to note for later. He looked to her expectantly, [color=bdb76b]"Unless I miss a point of etiquette, ma'am, and ladies' preference applies here, in which case I am [i]more than happy[/i] to attend to your own ideas on the subject."[/color] He gave a light bow of his head in deference to Josephine, whatever she decided. [color=bdb76b]"Miss Clarke?"[/color]