[center][color=CFD3C6][img]https://i.imgur.com/QxwohJt.png[/img][/color][/center] [center][@Hammerman][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Crowvette][@Bartimaeus][/center] [hr] Rurik's jaw dropped when Christine suddenly hauled him out of the fighting. It turned out to make little difference however, the angel was long gone. He hadn't been in much danger, but neither was he going to accomplish much over there with their visible enemy gone. [color=CFD3C6]"I... but..."[/color] Rurik let out a sigh. [color=CFD3C6]"Yeah... yeah I'm fine, thanks, Christine,"[/color] he relented. That might have been short lived, however. The wall nearby suddenly came to life, a giant stone hand sprouting out of it. It didn't seem to want a high-five. Rather, it had three knuckles aimed to smash him with the thumb and pinky outstretched to give it a wider range. Rurik wasn't terribly concerned, if anything it would have been a good chance to fake being knocked out and skip the rest of the fight. Unfortunately, Chrstine's rescue had put her literally on top of him, so if it hit him, it hit her. He just couldn't catch a break -- but he wasn't one to be blindsided all that easily. He quickly pulled free from Christine as the stone fist was almost upon them and then threw his hand out as if to say "stop." Anyone watching would no doubt have expected him to get flattened, but instead as the stone hand collided with Rurik's palm it, well, stopped. It shuddered slightly beneath Rurik's hand, as he'd just pumped every bit of stored up energy he'd been holding onto. Even so, he couldn't redirect it. The magic that had sent it at him was still trying to steamroll him even as his own tried to send it back. Well, if he couldn't have it, then neither could his opponent. In a brilliant chain reaction, the fist and a good portion of the arm attached to it blew apart into pebbles and dust. When the dust cleared, Rurik's hand was still held out, this time with middle finger extended to show what he thought of the enemies efforts. However, soon something else happened to occupy his hand. Cards flew into it. He flinched at first, but then realized they weren't trying to hurt him. [color=CFD3C6]"... wait, what?"[/color] Rurik looked at the cards and then glanced around, quite befuddled, trying to figure out where the hell they'd come from.