[@Enkryption] Noboru's brain was so focused on the pain of the wound inflicted by his possessed mother, he didn't hear his heroic spirit warn him of the incoming surge of magical energy, nor did he feel the heat rise compared to the burning pain piercing through his chest. All his sorrows and grief at the moment were momentarily distracted however, as a pair of lips met his, a sensation other than pain filling him. He'd been kissed before, thankfully, but there was something both enticing, and horrifying about that kiss; As if the girl he'd been trying to save wasn't really looking at him, but rather at some delusion she had cooked up to ignore her own pain. Looking at her as she stood, Noboru saw the spear running through her abdomen. Parts of him desired nothing more than to run away, while others wanted to fight at the girl's side, to try and save everyone, but it seemed flight was on her mind as well as his wooden arm was taken by her hand, clawed fingers digging into the bark as she seized him, yanking him from the ground as if he was nothing more difficult to move than an empty can, trudging along, only able to keep pace due to Herne's Agility. His mind felt like it was going blank, with a dull, heavy pounding echoing against the inside of his skull...or rather, echoing throughout the school. [color=f9ad81][b][i]"--oru! Noboru! Wake up moron, he's taking control of the forest!"[/i][/b][/color] Herne called out into his mind, or rather, Noboru finally started paying attention again. He felt a strong compulsion to punch himself in the face, but that was likely more Herne TRYING to, rather than a genuine desire for self punishment. Flashes of pain that weren't his own crossed Noboru's mind as the corruption of Terracotta continued to overtake his bounded field, before, under instruction for Herne, the boy released it remotely. In an instant, the wood of the forest dissolved, but alarmingly all the Terracotta shells remained in place, remained animated, and now raged without a core to keep them composed, hollowed out shells of their former wooden nature. Thankfully, Noboru wouldn't pass out from using Merry Duke of Windsor for too long, but right now he needed to continue trying to evacuate people, since Ms. Treasurer was fine. Stopping, Noboru's hand slipped out just enough for him to brake. Looking to Maggie, he said: [color=FFEFD5][b]"There are still a lot of people trapped in this mess...I gotta help them, but you should get somewhere safe,"[/b][/color] before he began running, inches from Maggie as he passed by her. Somehow, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end as her eyes met his back, as if a predator were curiously observing the strugglings of its freshly caught prey. [color=f9ad81][i]"That Berserker is bad news...if she starts trying to fight you, run."[/i][/color]