[center][h2]Alicia[/h2][/center] [hr] “Hmm? You want to know what my ability is?” Alicia said with a smirk. “Now that's something you only ask a lady after you know her better. You don't ask a girl you just met her chest size or her panty color, do you?” Of course, she had no intention of telling him what her ability was or how it functioned. You would be foolish to tell any stranger you met of such an important fact, especially when your ability, like hers, relied a lot of the opponent not seeing it coming. “But I do promise this. I would dispel its effect immediately when I knew that it was effective. And the other ladies and gentlemen in this room could be the witness to that,” she glanced to the others. "It would appear you have some more business your way." “Hmm?” Alicia looked at the newcomer who just mentioned her name. From his accent, he seemed to be of Russian descent. “That would be me. I am Alicia,” she said with a smile. “What business might you have with the Witch?” She then noticed Sasha's new pose after she had fallen over from the explosion. [i]White with a teddy bear. Cute.[/i] She always had a fondness of looking at girl's panties, simply out of curiosity. It was easy to do with her ability. A little bad luck and skirts would flip. From the wind, from the person falling over, etc, etc. [i]Really quite childish though. From all the panties I have seen, only three other girls wore that pattern.[/i] Sasha then rose up, before demanding tiramisu and warning the Russian not to seek her out. “Oh?” Alicia spoke with Sasha with a smirk. “You seem to be really interested in my 'black loincloth’. If you want, I could lend you a pair. Though perhaps they wouldn't fit your generous… asset as they were custom made to fit my measurements perfectly.” It was true. Her every clothing was tailor made. It was a luxury she allowed herself to have, even with the financial situation her family currently had.