WIP Name of Nation: Empire of Attolia Species: Fae/Elven, Humans, Halfbloods Culture and Society: The Empire consists of the Imperial family as the head sovereigns of the state. While the Emperor is nominally the head of state, he does not technically manage all affairs of the Empire, rather he focuses on the foreign and international affairs of the Empire, namely military, diplomacy, and trade. It is the Empress, the typically Elven spouse of the Emperor who is in charge of the domestic affairs such as education, civil engineering, industry, and magical research as the native Attolians are typically much more magically attuned than the humans. This stratification is found to be pervasive throughout the culture of the Empire as males are typically off to serve the Empire while the women drive the internal economy and keep the home front running. Both genders do their part to contribute to the Empire with each playing a crucial role in society. The Empire's government was initially a form of military junta, but as the Empire was properly formed and stabilized, the Empire took a more centralized and formal form of government via an absolute monarchy. Particularly loyal and meritorious citizens in the Empire were/are granted land and form the foundation of a landed gentry, which take the role of a lesser nobility and bureaucracy. However, one thing is clear, the Empire favors the talented and successful and allows room for social mobility through numerous ways. History: The history of Attolia is long, but largely unrecorded until a human army landed on the island of Attolia to "civilize" the island and claim it for the Empire that they had served. The natives were a magically attuned, sea-faring people, but were rather... undeveloped and primitive in many ways as they lived in small tribes and enclaves that often found themselves in conflict with each other, but the natives of the land were such skilled magical users that battles that seemed easy led to substantial losses. It was the General of the army, Imperator Marius Wolff, who would later use the tribal rivalries to help conquer the island with relative ease as the Army allied with certain key tribes to subdue the rest of the island. This major campaign proved to be successful and the General's men hailed him as "Imperator", which was a great honor. However, rather than claiming the island for the former, ancient Empire, a great tragedy had taken place in the mainland and the Empire shattered from within. The former lands of the Empire were carved up by bandits, barbarians, and would be pretenders. The Imperator did his best to evacuate and save as many civilians from the mainland, but ultimately the human army had to settle and effectively mixed with the native population. Rather than one population or culture dominating each other, the two found mutual appreciation and admiration for each other's abilities as the Imperator married a native woman, setting a milestone in racial relations between the humans and the natives. Many generations have passed and others have tried to invade the main island, but all have failed as the Empire came to quickly realize the importance of a strong navy. Thus, current political doctrine has changed to focus on naval projection and trade as a means to keep the state healthy and growing while having the means of protecting itself. Territorial Claims: [url]https://imgur.com/Y2gp8Rj[/url] Economy: The soil of Attolia are among the richest in the world and productive. However, what is more notable is the use of magic to provide industrial power to create finished goods. Needless to say, the Attolians export much more than import as the island is largely self-sufficient. Really, the only thing that the Attolians do import much of is magic crystals and lumber as they try to avoid using their own natural supplies. Army: The Attolian Legion finds itself as a remnant of the human armies that had landed in Attolia long ago. It focuses largely on the use of well trained and well disciplined heavy infantry with small contingents of various supporting units. Navy: The Attolian Navy has risen substantially through the years with most of the military development focused on the navy to keep the shores safe from potential invaders. Thus, the navy is possibly the most powerful in the world and is used to secure the islands of Attolia and to make sure that the trade routes are secured. Most of the military budget is spent to maintain this grand fleet. The Attolian Navy features several "Floating Fortress", which are huge ships used to display the Empire's wealth and power. Traits: Splendid Isolation - Unless something traumatic happens or there's a major emergency, the Empire of Attolia will avoid permanent alliances with major powers as a way to stay away from continental affairs and politics. Thus, it will take a largely neutral stance on most matters that doesn't involve them or their interests. The Iron Walls of Attolia - Rather than referring to actual walls, the Iron Walls of Attolia refers to the giant iron platted navy of the Empire which protects its shores and the means with which it projects it power and influence. Always Faithful - The Attolian Army is rather small. This is due to most soldiers of Attolia being sailors or marines, who man the huge fleet. Foreign Relations: Generally amiable or neutral. As long as the trade continues to grow and flow and the island remains safe, then there isn't much that the Attolians worry about. Rolls: Land Area: 16 - 4 = 12 Land Fertility: 20 Development: 18 Land Power: 10 - 4 = 6 (Switched) Naval Power: 5 + 15 = 20 Economy: 20 Magical Reserves: 15 Magical Sophistication: 14 - 2 = 12 (Switched)