Well, whatever was happening was...not working. At least, that was the initial thought. Day remained still, admittedly not wanting to make a wrong move or wanting to hamper Rhylaen's attempt to...do whatever it was that she was doing. Likely trying to make peace, but despite the two being not of this world, it didn't mean that they understood one another. The thought was affirmed when the alien retreated, and she had to bite her tongue not to let out a sigh of defeat. She had to admit, she perfectly understood its discomfort; the lights made her feel like she was being looked at under a magnifying glass. Shifting her weight from one foot to another, she stayed quiet. It wouldn't understand a word she said anyway, and admittedly the stupid suit was making it difficult to focus. Maybe it was the environment itself that had caused its health issues? Or at least, caused its manner of distrust. Admittedly most of her cases involved being able to, well, actually communicate. She must have underestimated how strong a language barrier could be. Eventually, Day found herself growing restless. "Any luck?" Her muffled voice came out.