[hider= Pepsi, the Warhand] [center][Color=ed1c24][H2]Pepsi[/H2][/color] [Img]https://i0.wp.com/www.sweetsouthernsavings.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Blood-Divider-Transparent-e1536267225618-700x114.png?resize=700%2C114&ssl=1[/img][/center] [center][img] https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-JGMmUPJgapU/WeXlqB2LEDI/AAAAAAAARs0/1R62pUyPHyEnOH2OgPfDp_d5-7Zea7fvgCLcBGAs/s1600/cult%2Bof%2Bchrome%2Btribal%2Bboar%2Bwarrior%2Bpost%2Bapocalyptic%2BLARP%2Bcostume.jpg [/img][/center] [Color=ed1c24]¤ Age, approximately.[/color] At least two decades, no more than two and a half. [Color=ed1c24]¤ What Are You?[/color] The Warhand [Color=ed1c24]¤ What defines you?[/Color] HARD [center][Img]https://i0.wp.com/www.sweetsouthernsavings.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Blood-Divider-Transparent-e1536267225618-700x114.png?resize=700%2C114&ssl=1[/img][/center] [Color=ed1c24]¤ Who are you?[/Color] Far to the north, there is a city of concrete and bone and blood, where the huddled masses labor with their eyes shielded from the mighty sun-gods, where prisoners are cut open on altars of glass and plastic to win the favor of the thirsting light in the sky. It is called Plaza, and it is where I come from. I was born amidst the masses, a faceless boy with a faceless mother, until a Sun Priest saw potential in me. The Jaguars pulled me away from the woman who birthed me and taught me to kill, to fight with weapons and teeth and nails, and I excelled. I crushed every boy or girl that they pit against me and rose to my rightful place as a warrior of Plaza. I fought beside my brothers in countless battles against the savages and monsters that beset us, for the Sun Priests had spoken with eyes full of smoke and blood that our way was The Way, and that it was the will of the sun that we spread our empire to the corners of the earth. It was after one great victory, when I was bringing captives to the altar for sacrifice, that I was chosen. The same Sun Priest that had marked me as a warrior, he who was closest to the Sun, anointed me in the blood of my kill and named me Plaza’s first Warhand, he who would march across the world and show the savages what was coming for them, show them with blood and fire that they must throw down their weapons and yield to the empire that would come. And so it was that I began my march south, far from the reach of Plaza, into the world of savages without a Way. [Color=ed1c24]¤ What do you want?[/Color] I want to slaughter my foes, to watch the light leave their eyes, to know that they were weak and that my way was The Way and know that they know it too. I want to go home, or to see home come to me, to speak to the Jaguars again, look upon the shrines to the Sun. Beyond that, I wish for there to be A Way, a Best Way, a True Way, to know that I am following it and that I am right, and to carry it across the world. [Color=ed1c24]¤ What do you believe?[/Color] I believe that the Sun is the greatest power in the world, and that great power demands great respect. I believe that any Way that can be crushed or defeated is no true Way, and that my Way has never been defeated. Perhaps some day it will be, and it will not have been The Way, but that day has not come. [Color=ed1c24]¤ What do you follow?[/Color] I follow my feet. I walk where they take me, and if they can walk no further in a given direction, I will turn. I enact my calling wherever I find myself, become a part of anything I see, yet I am guided by nothing but happenstance, and wandering feet. [Color=ed1c24]¤ A scarcity embodied:[/Color] I am the lack of order. In Plaza, there are rules, hierarchies – people toil, the Jaguars fight, the Sun Priests read the omens in the entrails of the dead. But on the battlefield, I am chaos itself – I fight with anything I have to hand, I spill blood and shatter bone and there is no reason in it. I seek to spread order, but wherever I walk, death and madness follow; that, too, is disorder. [Color=ed1c24]¤ Basic Instincts:[/Color] I always sleep sitting up, with my back to something, so that I am easier to rouse in case of danger. I always look for something sharp or heavy when I enter a room or a space, something I could use to kill. I always clutch the shard of green glass around my neck if I can feel a fight coming. [center][Color=ed1c24][h3]¤ Spill Your Guts[/h3][/Color][/center] [color=ed1c24]¤ What is the worst thing you've ever done to stay alive?[/color] Nothing. Anything I did to stay alive was right, because I am still alive. If I had done anything else, I would be dead, and my Way would have been lost, which would prove it was not The Way. [color=ed1c24]¤ What do you most regret doing?[/color] I departed without bidding my farewell to the other Jaguars. Some of them were my brothers and sisters for many years, who fought beside me and saved my life many times. I believed then that it was easier, but I know now I was mistaken. [color=ed1c24]¤ Who owns you? Literally or figuratively.[/color] Automobile, the Sun Priest that named me Warhand. [color=ed1c24]¤ Who wants you all to themselves?[/color] Advil, a woman from Plaza. [color=ed1c24]¤ Who or what do you worship?[/color] The Sun, the highest power in the sky, the unassailable. [center][Img]https://i0.wp.com/www.sweetsouthernsavings.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Blood-Divider-Transparent-e1536267225618-700x114.png?resize=700%2C114&ssl=1[/img][/center] [h3]Hear the Whispers...[/h3] It happens in the heat of battle – I hear the voices of a hundred screaming warriors, from my time and times long ago, but I know that they are with me, that they cheer for my victory and the victory of our Way. I feel myself grow stronger, see spotted fur ripple across my arms and feel that I could slay a hundred foes. Sometimes I even see them, shadows of warriors fighting by my side, slaying long dead foes and drinking ancient victories. [center][Img]https://i0.wp.com/www.sweetsouthernsavings.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Blood-Divider-Transparent-e1536267225618-700x114.png?resize=700%2C114&ssl=1[/img][/center] [h3]Own What You've Become[/h3] [color=ed1c24]¤ There is one life you regret taking. Who was it, and how do they haunt you? [/color] I slew a boy, once. He was another one marked by the Priests to become a Jaguar, and we were to fight and see who was stronger. It was not meant to be to the death, but we fought on hard concrete, and in the heat of combat with the blood in my ears I seized his face and bashed the back of his head against the stone until I felt his skull crack. They told me it was well, that his Way must have been weak to fall so easily, but I have never been so sure. Sometimes I will see his face on the face of one of my kills when I go to offer their heart to the sun, as though I have killed him many times. [color=ed1c24]¤ What mark of your office do you bear? What is its meaning? [/color] As Warhand, I was given a shard of green glass on cord to wear about my neck. It is a piece of the great altar to the sun at Plaza, granted to me that I may use it to cut the hearts from those I slay and offer them to my God in the proper way, no matter how far from home I wander. I know of no other Jaguar who has been granted such an honor. [color=ed1c24]¤ Who has earned your respect through their defiance? Why did you spare them your violence? [/color] I met a woman on the road after I began to wander. She was not of Plaza, a savage, yet as we spoke I knew there was a strength and courage in her. She did not fear me, not like so many of the weak southerners who would plead and beg when I knocked their weapons from their grasp. She had taken many lives, perhaps more than even I, and was a warrior in her own right. Perhaps it would have been right for me to test my Way against hers, to prove which was The Way and which never had been, but it seemed to me a waste of strong Ways – that our Ways must ultimately contest in the end, but to leave her now would result in her Way overcoming many weaker Ways, and that this would only be a good thing. Perhaps they would condemn me for this decision at Plaza, but it is the one I made. [color=ed1c24]¤ One of the other characters has fought side-by-side with you in the past. Which one was it? [/color] Sparrow and I fought side-by-side against a group of slavers that came upon me in the jungle - she had been tracking them for claiming a friend of hers, and found them in combat with me. She was not as strong as I, but quick and clever. She would make a good Jaguar - perhaps in time, she will. [color=ed1c24]¤ One of the other characters has had violent run-ins with other scouts from Plaza. Who?[/color] Avenue. One of the reasons I came to this region was to track down the remains of a party of Jaguars who went missing here some years ago. I have been led to believe that the cult of savages led by Avenue are responsible. I do not seek vengeance - if Avenue's Way was stronger than the Jaguars, then it is well that they were slain. But I will seek them out, to test their Way for myself. [center][Img]https://i0.wp.com/www.sweetsouthernsavings.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Blood-Divider-Transparent-e1536267225618-700x114.png?resize=700%2C114&ssl=1[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24]¤ Ain’t no Devil – Andrea Wasse[/color] [hider=Song][youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlTBf6RaAyI [/youtube][/hider] [i]Something's coming. Something's on its way.[/i] [/hider]