[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/AyjOt9s.png[/img] [b]& [/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/uO5gQ8R.png[/img] [/center] Speaking with: [@thedman]Michael [@LemonZest1337] Rachet [@Stern Algorithm] Din [@Archmage MC] Blazermate Location: 1-1, Central Road [color=0076a3]"Pretty sure mind control means mind control~."[/color] Blazermate predicted, and sure enough she turned out to be right as the various minions turned to look at him with malice. “WORTH A SHOT” the king replied before taking a moment to check over his current forces. Cowboy had seemingly taken his payment and run off with Zer0 and Death down a different road which made the king suspicious that he had been bamboozled out of a button. Din and Rachet where the only ones that had managed/wanted to keep up with his stomping down the road, though he had no real idea of how the two where useful. Their armaments consisted of a wrench and the other with some kind of decorated wand which did not fill the King with confidence. Then again sometimes all Mario seemed to need to beat him and his many armies was a pair of good boots so perhaps they would surprise him. There were of course his two hitchhikers, the invited Blazermate and her plus one Michel, as well as his sleeping cargo Kirby. All of them presented an unfortunate problem that became evident when the first brick left the ground, namely that he could not cover both sides of himself to adequately protect the passengers found there from the incoming projectiles. Not really wanting to risk lose anyone to this first taste of combat the king reacted as quickly as he was able to to protect his assets. “RIDES OVER” he announced while grabbing Blazermate with his free hand as he spun round to present his shell to the attacking mob, depositing both her and the hat held Kirby in front of him so that he could act as a shelter from the initial shelling. Michael was sadly on his own when it came to taking cover, while the two that had been flowing behind could, if they wanted, also take shelter behind the king. Bowser raised his hands above his head as masonry rained down, preventing any of it from doing any significant harm other than a few bruised knuckles and shoulders, though the king let out a few “OW“s and “OOF”s at the blows regardless. Unfortunately all this tanking left him exposed to the vanguard of the Goomba charge, who promptly rammed into his legs, un-steadying the king while also sealing their doom as the titanic turtle, sensing his impending topple and unwilling to squish his new minions after taking a beating to protect them, promptly fell back on his ass, squishing the poor Goombas in the process. This left bowser as a much more stable barricade but also left his butt exposed to further waves of enemies. This but was not entirely defenseless however and the King’s spiked tail flailed around like that of an excited puppy in a valiant defense of his royal posterior, batting attackers aside and taking the brunt of the koopa shell barrage. Even when the avalanche of blocks subsided, the king was unable to raise himself back up to fight due to the angry mob now dogging at his heels and literal kicking his literal butt. This left the king staring down at the cause of his predicament, namely his squishy passengers. “DON’T JUST STAND THERE GAWKING! DO SOMETHING!” The king shouted at the them in hopes that he would clear some space for him to rise up and get stuck in, either by going round him or using a pre-offered hand to get back on his back to regain a height advantage. Wordcount 592