Rider did not speak for several moments following Archer’s declaration and challenge, the warrior continuing to stare off into the distance as if he had not heard, or perhaps lost in thought. [color=fff200]“You seem certain that you will survive to see the end of this war; I suppose such confidence is not unexpected in one like yourself.”[/color] Stepping back from the edge Rider finally turned away from the view and faced Archer. [color=fff200]“I’ll accept your challenge then, Archer. Should we both live to see the end of the Grey’s and survive the squabbling that comes after, I will face you.”[/color] **** [color=fff200]“I will go in place of Lancer; my armour protects me from most magecraft and if there are any illusions my Goddess gifted sight will see through them.”[/color] Rider, who stood with his Master behind and slightly apart from the others, now strode forward to stand ahead of them. He wore his armour, golden and gleaming with boars on his chest, barring his helmet and held his spear and shield in each hand. He was ready for war. Still at the back, Dieter stepped forward and spoke as well, feeling the need to say something as to not leave his Servant to act alone. [color=8dc73f]“I-I can remove any obstacles that block our path… physical ones at least. My alchemy can remove these trees… if need be.”[/color]