[@Divine Darkness] [u]What else might our characters be able to do?[/u] Do any wolf traits carry over into their human form such as enhanced senses or physical abilities? [i]Keen sense of smell and better eye sight, sure. Agility and endurance, of course.[/i] Do we have any sort of healing factor? [i]If they are hurt in their wolf forms, they would need to switch back to their human forms to start a faster healing process. And depending on how badly they were hurt, could possibly hurt them more or cost them their lives. Healing in human form is no problem. Accelerated. Broken bone, maybe a week (and a half) to heal.. simple cut that would normally take a few days to close up, maybe half to a full day?[/i] Are we forced to change during the full moon? If so, is it just for one night or three? [i]During the full moon you have no control over yourself. Most don't have a recollection of what they did in the hours of the full moon's peak, but few do, and are fully conscious through it all.. yet still have no control of their actions. The wolf fully takes over, during that time. Most lock themselves up, but some just let the beast roam. Alpha Prep gives its students a choice of either being locked away or roaming free in the extensive forest acreage behind the school property. Preventive measures are taken to ensure no one leaves the school property.[/i] Is silver a problem? What about monkshood/wolfsbane? [i]Wolfsbane, aka Monkshood, would indeed cause a problem to wolves. Like chocolate to dogs, in small doses it wouldn't kill them but only make them sick. High amounts would in fact kill them, though. Silver, meh. I haven't really decided yet whether I want it to have an effect on them. I'll have to get back to you on that one![/i]