[h1]Episode 1: Vallhalla Comes[/h1] [hider=Westerian Kingdom] It is another glorious day in the kingdom of Westeria, the flowers in bloom and the people holding pride in their hearts that the beauty of their kingdom was made not by the use of spells, but with their own hands and diligence. The day quickly began for most as it usually did, with the commoners heading out to their assigned jobs to help keep everything in the nation running smoothly, like a well oiled machine. Some rode to their jobs in the newest motorized carriages, while others strode along the roads in groups, keeping their spirits high with stories of their childhood, their experiences in work, and of course gossip. Gossip had spread many times, such as with the child soldier program leading to brain washing, human and monster hybrids, and the more mundane. Recently, rumor had begun to spread about the kingdom’s princess. Until a month ago she had been an outgoing person that would often walk and talk amongst the common folk, asking how they felt about the new assigned jobs as well as the way that the kingdom was going. She would often tell the children about the times when magic was used freely among the people and nations were at peace. Some worried that her talk would lead to the children becoming too curious and seeking out magic for themselves. But that was then. Now, not a soul had seen hair nor hide of the princess in almost three weeks. Their children didn’t speak about her, except in worry, and there had been no formal reports of what had happened to the princess, if anything. Such gossip eventually made its way to the denizens of the Capital, and eventually to the castle. Knowing of the worries of his people, King Hezzhar has decreed that a broadcast be made to all televisions in the kingdom to spread the news of his daughter. This morning, 10 oclock, he began the broadcast, having allowed the peasantry into the courtyard to witness his announcement to the kingdom. Stepping forth onto the balcony, he saw a large crowd of the public, cheering and waving as he appeared. He had donned his royal garb, in the traditional Green of Westeria. With a raised hand, he silenced them all. He then took a moment to clear his throat before stepping towards the podium. “Westeria! It has come to my attention that many of you are worried about my Daughter, Claudia. Word has reached my ear of rumors that she may incite our next generation towards bringing back Magic use. While I bring you tidings that such talk will no longer be heard, I also feel that I must bring grievous news.” The king seemed to choke up for a moment, and stepped away from the podium momentarily. He once again composed himself. “Due to her excessive use of Pneuma, the princess has been in a sleep like death for the past week. The medication we have does not awaken her, nor does any pneuma infusions or spells. At risk of others falling prey to this state, I have stopped any magical help towards her, keeping her alive with our new technology. We are able to continue feeding her, and keep her under surveillance as she slowly recovers.” The audience gasped and murmured amongst each other, conversations quickly picking up. They quickly silenced themselves as the king began to move once more, raising a shaking fist. “This! This is the reason we must regulate Pneuma! This is why we must wean ourselves of its splendor. A gift from the gods that we have squandered for millenia! To keep not only my people, but all of the world safe from the danger of Pneuma Exhaustion, we must push our philosophy unto those unable to fully grasp it in order to save them ourselves! I have spoken with the leaders of our neighbors, and yet, even after all of our Pneuma research having been laid bare for them, they still refused to understand! What we do is right! What we do will save them! A Crusade against the usage of Pneuma! For the glory of the world! For the Kingdom! And for the memory of my Daughter! WE SHALL SAVE THEM ALL!” The crowd erupted in cheers, doubt vanishing from the faces of any in the crowd that had it. Many began praising King Hezzhar as the savior of the people. For protecting them against themselves. A man dressed in a Deep Green coat stepped next to the king, sunlight glinting from his many medals. “I shall now turn this event over to General Roilant, leader of our Iron Arcana squads on the front line. For now, I must return to the princess’ side.” and with that, the King turned, reentering the castle. As the king continued walking through the halls, the General’s passionate speech slowly quieted to a dull roar, the people outside jumping eagerly at the prospect of becoming part of the Crusade. A man in young man in purple robes strode next to the king. “My lord,” he began, struggling to keep stride with the king, “I apologize for the lateness. Our newest research shows that our Pneuma modifications have been progressing well, the Pneuma Heart project working out much better than expected. We project that the newest batch will be ready to participate in a month’s time.” “Good. Thank you Silas. A secondary source of Pneuma to give to our soldiers will bolster their powers. What of the Hybrid designs of our Iron Arcana Mk 2?” “I’m glad you asked. We have a prototype ready for testing by a Lieutenant Lloyd. He was a border guard, reassigned to the south east quadrant. He and several other Military Pilots will be testing the prototype out against dummy units we’ve procured from captured Egriffin Territory.” The king stopped momentarily, turning to look Silas in the eye. “What units of Egriffin? I’d hate for us to lose a rare monster material.” “No Monster units sir. They appear to be Fighter Mk 5s and a Viking III sir.” “Upgraded Relics I see,” Hezzhar continued, making a course for a door, guarded by two sentries, “The Egriffins are holding out on us then. Leave me. I need to check on the Princess.” “Yes sire.” Silas bowed, leaving. “Kusana!” The king said entering the room. “Any change in the princess’ condition?” Inside, a young maid stood, seeming to retreat from the king’s words. She had short chestnut hair in a neck length bob cut. She came from Dragalia, and her face and skin gave this away. “No Sire. She hasn’t moved since you left.” the meek maid replied. Upon a large comfortable bed of silken sheets and quilts laid a young girl, around 18, her golden hair lay around her, steady breathing coming from the girl. “I see. Step outside for a moment please.” The maid nodded and quickly left, a sad look on her face. The king walked over to the sleeping girl and placed a hand over her face as a glow came from his hand. “Your rebellious streak may have been a blessing to us all… Claudia.” ______________________________________ In the south east Quadrant of the Kingdom, 20 miles from the border. At a large field, there was a small base, and several Iron Arcana, including a few Magecha that were set up on large stands. Their movements seeming to be controlled by a wired remote system at the bottom of their stands. Many soldiers marched around, prepping for the test. A large seating area had been crudely constructed for those not involved in the test, including the R&D department, and a few investors. “Lt. Llyod! Are your ready for the test run?” a large mustachioed soldier called. From his markings on the shoulder of his uniform, he was likely a Major. “Yes sir! The new Fool II is a beauty isn’t she?” The red haired Llyod asked, looking over the unit. “Don’t get attached to her Lieutenant. Once this test is done, R&D will be repurposing it for all soldiers.” “Of course sir. That doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the craftsmanship of this IA.” “Mhm,” the major grunted, slightly confused, “Get into your pilot suit. The test will begin in 20. You may want to do a final diagnostics check.” “Sir.” Lloyd saluted, heading into the small base. [/hider] [Hider=Valhalla] Deep in the mountains, on the border of Egriffin, Westeria, and against the southern sea was a place that few knew of. A large structure akin to a castle, nearly blending in with the surroundings, stood with a large cobbled yard and a meadow further down from it. Hidden doors began opening from the walls of the mountain, this valley quickly becoming active with many people. Children followed adults to sit in the meadow and be taught lessons for the day, while others dressed in Off White uniforms carried bags of tools and began wandering around the area, clipping up bits of the grass and tinkering with a mess of metal and wires not far underneath. This, is Valhalla. But what you don't see here are the vast halls underneath. Somewhere deep within, a blond haired girl slept upon a white bed, the bed lay next to several other copies of this bed, and a woman sat in a swivel chair, checking on the girl's vitals. The woman had raven hair pulled back with a headband, and fashioned into a plaited ponytail over her right shoulder. As the woman lifted the girl's hand, checking her pulse, the girl began to stir. “Hmm?” she said, lifting her head and pulling away from the grip on her. “Where-?” “Ah. I see you’re awake.” The woman told her. The girl startled, sat up quickly, but began to lose balance in the bed. The woman quickly caught her and helped her back down. “Careful. You’ve been out for two days. We found you washed ashore at the base of the mountains.” The woman said, “Welcome to Valhalla.” “Wh-” the girl’s eyes widened with shock, this woman bearing a striking resemblance to, “Kusana?” The woman looked at the girl with a slightly cocked head. “Someone you knew perhaps? I assure you that I am not her. My name is Mio. I am a healer here at Valhalla.” “Val...halla?” “Yes. Valhalla. A place for the lost, unwanted and forgotten… well, soon to be not forgotten,” Mio said standing from her seat. “If you’ll just wait here, try not to get up just yet, and I’ll be right back.” Mio said as she headed towards a nearby door and exited the room. The girl slowly sat up and looked around. Nothing looked out of the ordinary. No real machines hooked up to her at the moment. She was still weak and couldn’t move well yet. She couldn’t remember what had happened to her to cause her to wash ashore. She remembered being stuck on a small raft in the South Sea… That’s right. Exile. By her father no less. She reached a hand to her hair, which was now much shorter, almost a boy’s cut. “Miss?” Mio said as she opened the door again. “I never did catch your name. Do you recall your name?” “Cl-” she paused a moment. Perhaps her real name was not the best choice. With what her father had done recently, she may not want everyone knowing that she was the daughter of the man currently blazing a warpath through other countries. “Claire. My name is Claire… Claire Solei.” She said, remembering a tutor she once had. “Very well Claire,” Mio said walking over to Claire. “Hold still, and I will help you up. It’ll only be temporary while you work on regaining your muscles.” Claire held still while a warm glow came from Mio’s hand over her leg muscles and hands. “Okay. Now you can move.” Mio said, clasping her hands together and giving a smile to Claire. Claire slowly began to move, swinging her legs out from underneath the sheets. She noticed she was dressed in a medical gown. As she went to move to stand, she expected herself to crumple, after having been out for so long, but her legs held firm. “Woah.” Claire said, feeling the renewed strength of her muscles. “Yep. I used Pneuma to enhance your muscles temporarily. This will hold for about a day.” Mio said, holding a finger up to make a reiterate one day. She then handed Claire an off white uniform, that she quickly slid into. “If you’ll come with me, I’ll show you around the base.” Mio said walking over to the door, opening it, and gesturing outside. The two left the room and Mio began a small tour of the area. The hallways, the bunks, the cafeteria, and before the tour continued, Mio stopped in front of a mahogany door with the words ‘Director Seed” on it. “Inside, you will meet the director. It’s his final say if you get to stay or not. I doubt you’ll have any problems.” Mio told her before knocking on the door. “I will see her now.” a voice called from within. It held a certain charm about it, Claire noted. Mio opened the door, and Claire was allowed in. The room was furnished with a few comfy looking chairs, bookshelves filled to the brim, and a large desk. Standing at a large window was a man in a regal looking black coat, his gaze seemed to go for miles. In his hand was a glass of red liquid that Claire could only guess was wine. The man’s light blonde hair shimmered in the sunlight as he turned, his piercing gaze going straight through Claire. “Welcome. I’m glad to see you finally awake. We weren’t sure if you would make it.” he said moving to the front of his desk and quickly turning one of the chairs around to her. “Please. Have a seat, Miss-?” He raised an eyebrow awaiting her name. “Solei. Claire Solei.” she said, meeting his gaze. “And, if you don’t mind, I’d rather stand.” The man smiled, spinning the chair back around before returning behind his desk. “I am Director Amadeus Seed. This, is Valhalla. But more importantly. This is the Headquarters of the Valhalla corporation.” He smoothly sat in his chair, placing his wine glass down on a small coaster on the desk. “You are under my protection starting today.” He said, maintaining eye contact. “Your protection?” Claire asked confused. “Don’t give me that. I know who you are. I knew when they brought you to our infirmary. Princess Claudia.” Claire’s eyes widened. “No need to be alarmed. It was announced mere moments ago that you are supposedly in a coma due to Pneuma Exhaustion. My sources claim that you were actually banished from your kingdom.” Claire grimaced, not knowing what would happen next. “Do not worry, Claire, your secret is safe with me. But banishment from your own kingdom. What on Atalanta could’ve caused that?“ He asked, sipping his wine once more. “I didn’t agree with father’s invasions and ban of magic if he and the other nobility didn’t have to listen to the law. I also read the research notes, and saw his experiments and didn’t like what I saw. I was foolish and made my feelings known to his court. They all backed him up, and I was locked in my room. When I tried escaping my climbing out of my window, I was attacked by masked men. When I woke up, I was on a raft in the middle of the sea. A man was there with a hover bike, who untied me and left before I could ask him anything. My hair was cut, and my clothes replaced by some burlap sack. I tried to follow him, but I couldn’t. The sea took me, and I found a small supply of food in a sack with me. I floated for I don’t know how long until a storm started and then-” “Then you washed up here. That doesn’t sound like Exile to me. Perhaps my sources were incorrect. However, if you do want to stop your father, I believe I can help you.” Amadeus swirled his wine in its glass. “How?” Claire asked, taking a step towards the man’s desk. “This is the Einherjar Plan. 108 squads of Specialized Monster Magecha known as Valkyr will be used to demilitarize all parties, stopping the violence amongst the world. We’ve already begun our operation. We don’t plan on killing unless necessary. We only aim to disable and disarm.” Claire nodded. “So it would stop the fighting. That’s all I really want. No more bloodshed.” Amadeus smiled warmly. “And there won’t be while we can help it. With no more fighting, perhaps we can unite the nations again. Peace and unity towards a better future.” Claire was surprised. What he said made sense. But, she felt it made more sense than it should. “You’re right. If there is anything that I can do to help, please let me.” Claire said. “I’m glad you suggested it. I’d like for you to become one of our pilots. We can keep your Pseudonym if you like. With proper training, you can become a great pilot, like your ancestors.” Claire was excited about the prospect, as besides simulations, she had never been allowed to pilot a Magecha before. “Yes, please! I’ve been in simulations with the knights before, so any training would be helpful.” “I’m sure I can get a few of the others around here to help you. I can be very persuasive.” Amadeus says with a smile. “Please go sit in the cafeteria for now. We have a Television there, pneuma operated, that will be broadcasting our first encounter with the Westerian Forces, though we have had our Magecha out in the field before. Finally we can see just how powerful our units are compared to theirs.” “Thank you again, Director Seed.” Claire says, bowing and beginning to leave. “Please. Call me Amadeus.” “Amadeus.” Claire said, exiting the room and making her way to the cafeteria with Mio. “Just find a seat. You’re a new face around here, so I’m sure that others will want to meet with you soon.” Mio said, waving Claire away happily and heading into the line for a snack. Claire quickly found an empty table and sat. [/hider] (As we have no Zifran or Egriffin players, I will not be posting anything for those countries at this time.)