[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjAwMDAwMC5WR2hsY21GcElFbHVZM1ZpYjNKbC4wAAA,/seven-swordsmen-bb.regular.png[/img][/center] As Therai entered the Frontier Town, he couldn't keep a smile off of his face. His new life had finally begun, and his unassuming beginnings were behind him now. Therai was happy that his travels were over. The road to the Frontier Town had been long and uneventful, but thankfully, he arrived. Now he could get to work. The first order of business was to find a place of work. The obvious choice was the tavern. Therai could only hope that the owner of the establishment didn't already have someone that provided music for them. Worse comes to worst, he could always persuade the barkeep to allow him to take over as their primary source of art. Therai could use the practice, and the best type of experience was in front of a crowd. He needed to make a strong impression; Anyone who heard him sing and play the lute would need to remember him for the rest of their lives. It would be a difficult task to pull off, but hopefully the payoff would earn him a sort of standing in the village. Therai snapped out of his brainstorming and began to find his way towards the tavern. He took his time with the walk, as he wanted to drink in the sights that the Frontier Village had to offer. While he walked, he slung his prized lute off of his back and admired it. It was a finely crafted piece of work, and the craftsmanship was impressive. Once he was bored of the lute, he put it in its usual location as he began to draw closer to the tavern. The Drunken Dragon. A fine name. He knew that this first introduction of his would be important, so he readied for the perfect entrance. First, he wondered if tieflings were common in these parts. He hadn't seen any as of yet, but it was night, so it was possible they had gone to bed. If they were uncommon, he would need to break past those stereotypes. Hopefully the tavern had some fine women, as Therai was not only looking for work, he also sought after companionship. The trip to the village had been long and lonely, and having someone by his side would make the evening that much more bearable. Once Therai finally finished his pondering, he stepped into the tavern. Therai stood above most men, which attracted some attention. Sometimes the attention made him famous, sometimes infamous. The type of attention didn't matter, it was what he did with it that counted. Almost immediately after Therai entered the tavern, he sought after a random patron. "[color=f7976a]Hello, sir! Do you know who I should speak to about performing in this fine establishment[/color]?" Therai then leaned in closer. "[color=f7976a]And who I could seek for a...companion?[/color]" He winked at the patron, doing his best to be friendly towards the man. If he maintained a jovial attitude when speaking to those around him, it would be difficult for them to find themselves angry towards him. After all, friendliness is the best diplomat. Despite his outward confidence, worries began to creep into his mind. He could not afford to fail. This town was his ticket to a life of adventure and glory, and mistakes would have to be minimal.