Have something while I wait for a respond. [hider=Morgan Corp] Morgan Corp was once the leading biotech company in the Midwest that had close ties with the American government. They were responsible for researching, developing and commercializing anti-allergics drugs; but, their other works are still classified to the general public. Their last work had them explore the possibility of creating life from objects with help from the government. After a year of researching and countless subject, they thought that they had finally made the perfect subject. Instead, Morgan Corp created something that they couldn't control and it escaped for one of their facilities in Wisconsin. It managed to find someone and fused with them to form a powerful being. Even known they were being hunted, both of them managed to destroy several Morgan Corp properties and killed so many people. Eventually, they made their way to Chicago and confronted the former CEO, Tyler Morgan. Officially, an explosion from one of the labs killed the CEO and several individuals. The truth was that Morgan was brutally murdered along with several other high ranking members. After the incident, Morgan Corp was struggling to survive and filed for bankruptcy two months later. Now, several companies are looking to buy what remains of Morgan Corp.[/hider]