“Hey! Could you [i]not[/i] do that, please?” Leyna said in a slightly indignant tone and standing before Galen. Sincerely, she felt like extending her feet to trip him when he pushed her aside with no consideration whatsoever, but dropped that idea when she realized that it would cause more trouble than it was worth. “Actually, could you stop doing everything you did on the way here? This herb picking made us lose precious time since I had to adjust my pace to not leave you behind. Also, do you have any idea about the fact that we are less than a day away from the city, like she said? How different do you think that the plants and animals from this place can be?” she said, pressing a finger against his chest and nodding towards their group’s arachnid mage, momentarily letting go off her apprehension towards Myrielle’s species. Once she was done with her rant, Leyna turned to the mage that welcomed them with a blush on her face and said in a sympathetic voice, “I’m sorry for that. I’m Leynanniel, an Elven scout and explorer, but you can call me Leyna, if you wish. It’s been a long while since I last worked for the Academy but I see that Archi -- I mean, Professor Archibald -- is still too keen on ditching his work. It must be really rough to study under him, huh?” “Anyway, I would be honored to know any details you have about the history of these ruins, its past inhabitants, why it fell, or anything else. But, more than anything else, I would like to know where you want us,” she gestured towards the remainder of the party, only skipping Galen unceremoniously, “to begin working? If you hired professional adventurers it must mean you have some high threat place, or places, you want to explore, right?”