This was not the way James had expected the interview to go. He had actually expected something a lot worse and fiery. He felt that in any second his fellow bandmates would spring from their seats and start attacking the press as much as they were attacking the band. A quick glance at his watch told him that the whole press conference would be coming to a close very soon, and he was glad. He wasn't so sure that the other three could take any more from the reporters. James didn't blame them, Diamond and Christina were use to it though but Sean was new to all this. His nice motion of those lovely fingers told James so. Oh, how he would have to deal with that later. Lena, their manager, was probably pulling out her hair about now and making phone calls to make sure that there would be minimum damage to their already slightly image. Really, James thought, this whole thing was turning out to be a lot more work than he had expected it. Ever since Matt left there had been more pressure on Diamond, Christina, and him to perform as best as they could. Now with Sean here he had been able to get some rest -- that was until the tour was announced and interviews began. And now there were here. James raised the microphone to his lips before anyone was able to get another question in. "Look, we are all very grateful for our fans and Lena for giving us a chance and believing in us. It is our first tour and with a new band member added to out ranks but we are performing better than the last time we were life. So, to our fans, we are trying our best for you and we hope that you keep supporting us through all of it." James scratched the side of his head when Diamond cut in with a laugh. "And we will give you the best concert!" She grinned to the crowd of blinking reporters. "Also, to you snotty [i]journalist[/i] don't mess with Christina or you will go through me and I ain't pretty to deal with." She huffed and leaned back on her seat. Lena had warned them about keeping it professional. She had even given them flashcards of questions that they might get asked by the press but none of them expected it to go south so fast. The questions about Christina had bothered everyone on how the press had jumped to conclusions that it had been her fault and later moved on to create drama between Sean and James. It was amazing how quickly they pulled bullshit out of their asses.