[center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iF7lkXKHlA[/youtube] [h1]The Agency Leaderships[/h1][/center] [center][color=green][i][h1]Agency Commander Tendril[/h1][/i] Alias & Name: Mhegan Hannibal Aka Tendril Age: 24 Agency Rank: Commander Physical appearance: [hider=picture][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4b/bd/2d/4bbd2d4a48cdd2210b269fd3d78e7fa5.jpg[/img][/hider] Being a young woman she is tight and limber. She is 6 feet tall even. Weighs 150 pounds. Has solid lean muscle with most of her mass being concentrated on her lower body. She is fairly normal in posture and is somewhat of a tomboy. Personality: She is straight forward but cool in temper. With this combined she seems a bit aloof when there's down time. She enjoys the occasional joke and is often fascinated with new things. She fights her lack of patience everyday. She is sure in her ability but not able act irrationally due to ingrained knowledge of her very own shortcomings. Talents: She has been trained since childhood to be an expert shot with almost all weapons and to be a great tactician. Physically she is able to out match the top olympic athletes. Powers: Being an Indigo she is able to control the minds of others around her. They can fight and resist but only those strong enough in psychic ability to resist her can break free, as their true selves are inside at all times. History/Exp: She was born from two Indigos within the Agency. Her parents were agents who were raised together within their secret walls. She has been used on missions before any other child in the Agency. With her ability to control minds only the most powerful psychics in their ranks could rise to the top. She still to this day is a part of the power struggle within. She acts autonomously on rare occasions. [/color] [/center] [hr] [center][color=red][i][h1]Agency General Wash[/h1][/i] Alias & Name: Ryanni Cumberland Aka Wash Age: 37 Agency Rank: General Physical appearance: [hider=picture][img]https://media.wired.com/photos/593252fda31264584499418b/master/w_969,c_limit/velvet-comic.png[/img][/hider] Personality: A no nonsense hardened woman who has a life of espionage mostly in Russian territory ingrained in her dynamics. She is cold and merciless and eager to see things through with proper force. She is very militarized for an Agency member yet understands how to operate in small groups. She doesn't often do idle chat unless its an ode to a life that she once knew. Items: Usually her choice of handgun as a staple weapon she always carries. Talents: Not a bad shot with most weapons she also has many talents for espionage. Her flexibility, strength and decision making puts her on par with top CIA and secret operatives. Knowing how to manipulate perception is her key way of achieving her goals. Powers: She is neither a star seed or an indigo. Experience: She has been an agent for multiple governments for over a decade, being picked up by the Agency for her expertise at espionage she is used to coordinate their efforts for effective results that are ultimately undetectable to the public or any other agency not worth being in the know. History: She was trained by both Russian and CIA operatives to learn about each other and spy on each other. Able to successfully navigate such an impossible task she was picked up by the Agency. But she was born and raised in Russia and later in America. Quickly turning to the government for work she showed her talents from a early recruit. Now she is a formidable and respected member with little time to makes friends. She is often considered one who washes away all pain, sorrow, the past and the present. Trivia: (optional) Didn't know that![/color] [/center] Alias & Name: Age: (Soldiers range from 16 and up.) Agency Rank: (Usual military ranks apply here until further notice) Physical appearance: Your Picture &/or Description. Height and Weight. Personality: Brief description on character's quirks, likes, and peeves. Items: You're allowed 1 type of gun. Medical kit, and a few other items of your choice such as grenades, tasers, traps or something of the sort that is portable. Talents: What can this character do that usually is humanly achievable yet worth mentioning. This can be a martial art, skills with guns, or more. Only about two here. Powers: Are you a star seed or an indigo. What is your power? Only one is allowed. Your characters mastery of it should align with their experience. Experience: What has your character done to hone their talents? History: A brief tour into your character's life. Trivia: (optional) Didn't know that![/hider]