Isaac looked sheepish at DJ's joke, but managed to smile through it. "Ah, but that would require me to be slim, and named Jim. Which I'm neither." He patted his stomach. He wasn't fat, not really. You'd barely tell by how he referenced himself but he was just a bit bigger than ideal. He just couldn't seem to rid himself of the spare tire, you know? But he laughed nervously at the joke, uncomfortable with the reminder that somehow, of everyone, he was the one sandwiched between attractive girls this early on. That should have been literally any other male at this party, as far as he was concerned. Of course, all of this was quickly thrust from his mind as conflict began. He didn't like conflict, especially not watching his friends fall into conflict over things like this. [color=olivedrab]"Hey guys, let's lighten up, alright? We don't need to be rude to one another. I'm sure Ron has something of a valid reason to be upset, even if he's not communicating it effectively, which happens to everyone. Right? God knows I'm terrible at communicating how I feel about things. It's never been easy for me. I'm just not that kind of guy, right?"[/color] He swallowed. He'd probably been talking for too long. [color=olivedrab]"Maybe we should take... a vote?"[/color] His voice trailed off towards the end as he realized how long he'd been talking and how little he'd probably helped matters. He wanted to apologize but figured that would just make matters worse. He looked at Berns, then at Alice, as if their two reactions would be a good measurement of the group's response as a whole. He wasn't going to say anything, but DJ mentioning the SHS website filled him with morbid anxiety. He'd just barely arrived and now he found himself glancing at the door every few seconds, as if ready to dart for it. And the continued tension in the room was doing him no favors. He didn't really have anything to offer as far as help, so really he just wanted to leave the awkward tension for a while and come back when it was over. [color=olivedrab]"Ya know what? I'm gonna get some... fresh air, yeah? I guess... anyone who's also a party pooper can join me. I'll be back in a few, I'm not leaving or anything."[/color] he smiled and stood up, taking something of a half jog up the stairs and out the front door, stopping to breathe for a second when he made it out. Jeeze. Things were already off to an intense start down there. He didn't want to be gone for long. He just needed a second to readjust his expectations. Get himself back to a rational thought pattern, you know? He couldn't let his hormones get the better of him, or his feelings, and do something foolish. And tonight would be an especially bad time, he could tell. So he took his moment.