[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181213/97d38a32f5d1521c6156ab63cb88f6dd.png[/img] [sub][color=FFB6C1]Acceptance to the Sanctuary – Stephanie’s Respite[/color][/sub][/center] [hr] Stephanie had a sigh of relief and looked at Asri, which introduced herself to her and the Anubis. She smiled happily at Asri and saw something slithering on her leg. Her body started to shake and realized it was a snake. [color=FFB6C1]”I-It’s an s-snake… slithering u-up y-your leg Asri.”[/color] Stephanie spoke highly nervously and terrified of what she saw. However, it wasn’t as big as the snakes that her parents talked about. In the case of the snakes her parents talked about could eat a Giant whole or a Dragon. However, they kinda want to be left alone but very ancient dragons. She remembered Sarah talk about the Holy Dragon Dromon, which is a very large and ancient dragon. It didn’t help her parents outright showed off the head of one of those snakes they killed in a contract. The skin color, which was already pale, just turned as pale as a ghost. Her eyes turned into the back of her head and felt her body get heavy and she just collapsed onto the ground. She fainted soon after that too, which caused the necklace to glow a pale blue in color. Her entire body was exhausted from the constant overexertion of not really getting any real sleep. [color=FFB6C1][i]”M-Mommy and Daddy, I don’t want to go to Baterol. I don’t want to be your mule for your weapons… I don’t like fighting. I don’t like it...”[/i][/color] Stephanie faintly thought in her fainted state of mind. The necklace glows in a dim color of greenish blue, which had the odd effect of sharing her inner thoughts as outer thoughts. It was pretty much a sad state of affairs, which when you hear the loudness in her mind in what she didn’t want to do all those years ago. She was breathing normally but she did have a bump on her head since it was a slight concussion from landing on the floor pretty hard. [hr] [hider=The Nightmare, which always comes when she sleeps.] Stephanie wakes up in a room, which feels a bit dark and terrible. She wondered what had happened and saw skin hanging on the wall across from her. Her entire heart rate increases because of the terror she sees around everywhere. She doesn’t want to know who will be coming for her, however, someone did came to her. Her eyes went wide at who it was specifically, it was her mother Rita as a Succubus and she had an evil look in her eye. [color=FFB6C1]”W-What are you going to do to me, Mother?”[/color] Stephanie asked with a tone of fear in her voice. This nightmare happens the same way, however, she must always ask that question. The Demon, which is Rita looks at her funny and laughs aloud. [color=DC143C]”How funny, you should remember what we do to traitors of the family. We kill them. I am going to enjoy this daughter. The Goddess Satelle will never protect you were you are going.”[/color] Rita spoke with a commanding voice and tone. Rita tore the bars right off and looked at Stephanie, which is still has her humanity because of her pacifist nature. She outright sighs at the entirety of her daughter’s being. [color=DC143C]”You should’ve became like one of us. You would’ve enjoyed it so much better. But you will die a human as the most painfully way possible. However, we still can’t find Sarah to kill her so your sacrifice will be enough.”[/color] Rita said, with no remorse in her voice. The two of them walked down a hallway, which had humans begging for death but they were completely ignored by Rita. Stephanie’s body was highly shaking because of what was happening, which was the city of flowers was turned into the City of Blood. She started to cry because of that, which caused her to be hit by Rita’s left hand really hard on her face. [color=DC143C]”Sacrifices don’t have room to cry.”[/color] Rita said, a bit annoyed and angry. Stephanie had a scar on her face now because of the fact, her mother smacked her pretty hard, which hurt more. However, this dream diverged a bit much, however, they weren’t going to the normal torture chamber. They walked onto the surface, which showed a hellish landscape because the Demons finally arrived on the world and they wanted a virgin sacrifice. However, that means the virgin sacrifice will be Stephanie this go around. She was tied up to a pole in the middle of Gondrevil and then her heart taken out by her mother and completely burned in the hand. In that sense, the nightmare ended because of the entirety of it. [/hider] [hr] Stephanie opened her eyes in utter shock and screamed loudly, as if she was dying. The entire thing of that nightmare was completely terrifying and she didn’t want to have nightmares like that. However, she was still laying on the floor, which she started to cry because it was too horrifying. She still had a concussion, however. [color=FFB6C1]”O-Owwies, I don’t want anymore nightmares...”[/color] Stephanie spoke loud enough to hear. However, she was crying constantly and was holding her head because it was injured. The nightmare felt very real, however, she didn’t want to go to Gondrevil since it felt much more evil and dark. Her mind was at ease, when she realized she’s still in the Sanctuary, however. Her heart was racing a bit much and looked directly at Asri, as if she wanted someone to comfort her. She kept her eyes looking up at Asri instead of the snake she saw. [sub][center][@Lyla][@Ithradine][/center][/sub]