[@Zapdos] Communication is a little slow, as even with faster-than-light technology, it takes a little while for the ansible (a nearly instantaneous communication device which comes in both large communication stations or small, much less capable and slower hand-held devices similar to phones called simply cells because that terminology stuck for handheld phonelike devices) to transmit and receive information. It also doesn't receive and send information every second, instead 'updating' every few hours, meaning that the Net is really only ever up-to-date for a short time immediately after an update. This means news from the cityworlds and Earth will not be recieved immediately and that anything that requires instantaneous communication is either very hard or impossible (like calling someone would be impossible but leaving them a video message you could do). So yeah, in short, you could be a reporter/Youtuber of some kind, as long as you aren't planning on making any livestreams, basically.