To keep her mind off of the matter of her own presumed near-nudity, Alexa considered what the grill-faced ambassador had said about the reviving girl for a long while before they arrived at the ball proper. She who had, it seemed, returned from death no worse for wear, in theory revived after meeting the Emperor himself. The idea in the minds of the common citizenry, that she had become "something else", suggested two possibilities: first, that her body had been possessed by a daemon, and that a failure to slay her before it was too late would doom this world to Chaos; and second, far less likely, that the God-Emperor had seen fit to render her a Living Saint, a blessed angel of His almighty will. Truly, the latter would be a blessing for a mere Hospitaller such as Alexa, but it seemed more plausible that she'd been a latent, untrained psyker, and found her corpse possessed as her soul made its way toward the Emperor. If so, her body's destruction and the daemon's eradication would truly be the only mercy the girl could receive now. The thought process ended as she and her allies entered the main hall at last, and froze up entirely as everyone in the room looked to them and grew quiet. [i]Emperor be praised, Emperor have mercy,[/i] ran the mantra in the Hospitaller's mind again and again and again, until the attention finally left them as somebody approached their group, introducing himself as the governor of the planet. It wasn't exactly ideal, but all-told, one person's attention was far superior to every person's attention. 'We are grateful you invited us, Governor,' Alexa forced out, regulating her words just well enough to not sound like somewhat of a wreck. Otherwise, she was functionally mute. She couldn't really describe why she felt so concerned, merely that this situation was quite distressing for her. Seeking succour, she glanced toward her compatriots, wondering but not citing out loud if any of them might be willing to accompany her throughout the hall, so as to not get herself caught in another situation of that nature. She only hoped they'd be able to read her... not thoughts, but perhaps her expression, and eventually come to that conclusion.