Forward. Forward. Forward. As the two girls supported each other, with Matteo behind, all Muu could think of was getting [i]home[/i] as fast as possible. The sole thought of getting closer to their goal with each step she took was the one and only driving force that made her body move. Sure, physically she was less hurt than the other two, but mentally? Not even Muu could tell. Thus, she comfortably dismissed the grim possibility of being surrounded by complete darkness. Of potential goblin pursuers that would have likely no problems catching up to them. Or even the likely scenario some menacing animal could make their life even harder. She just had to move forward. To the safety of the city. It was in that direction, right? Right? It became a lot harder to blank out all of this when Matteo started to talk, however. Apparently trying some sort of small talk to alleviate the situation? Well, he did a really terrible job at it upon mentioning how he was lost and how they'd MAYBE reach safety. For a moment, Muu stopped in her tracks. A mix of frustration, fear, but also anger boiling up inside her as she clenched her one healthy hand. Although quickly decided to just keep moving, grimmer than before. When Ash joined in, however, the brunette also became incredibly confused. MMO? DPS? Off-tank? If not for the seriousness of the other girl's tone then maybe Muu could have brushed it off as some sort of insider joke. But, considering her wounds, Muu now asked worriedly. The raven-hair got hit the worst after all. "A-Are you okay? Do you see any weird colours? Strange sounds?" Muu had no clue what people went through when they hit their head too hard and started hallucinating, but likely something along those lines?