[hider=CS] [center] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/3b797851a440aa865f176502e5f87de3/tumblr_nfplo1MvDs1t09a5wo1_500.png[/img] [h1] [color=a0410d]Luke Godfrey [/color][/h1] [u][color=a0410d]Gender[/color] [/u] Male [u][color=a0410d]Age[/color] [/u] 18, September 12th 1896EC. [u][color=a0410d]Sexuality[/color] [/u] Straight [u][color=a0410d]Race[/color] [/u] Edinburgh, Hamberg. [u][color=a0410d]Appearance[/color] [/u] Luke has an average build with lightly tanned skin and it's easy to tell that he’s spent lots of his time outside. His short dark brown hair is mostly a mess, obviously not really his biggest concern. His pale blue eyes hold a certain spark in them that always seems to come to life whenever he sets his sights on something. He keeps his face well shaved and clean as he simply prefers it that way. When it comes to his uniform and gear he makes sure to always look as best as he can, keeping it in the best condition he can since he has feeling it won’t always stay this perfect when he gets to the battlefield. [u][color=a0410d]Height[/color][/u] 5’10 ft. [u][color=a0410d]Personality[/color][/u] Luke can easily be described as a talkative person who can’t help but throw in his two cents. Without feeling to hold back he will speak his mind in most conversations. Most of the time he'll simply cut to the chase seeing no reason to dance around things. Luke also tries to keep ahold of his sense of humor, thinking that it'll be the last line of defense for his sanity. He'll crack a few jokes here and there while trying to keep the mood light for as long as he can. He can honestly be a bit annoying at times, but he'll always wear a small smirk of confidence. He'll never shy away from work and is a very determined person who will do whatever he can to do his job and help his fellow comrades. Though Luke has seemed a bit to eager to go to war as he has made a few promises to collect a some trophies from his coming battles, like an enemies pistol or knife, something that will prove he’s seen combat. When on duty though he becomes more focused on his job and always gets it done, be it moving ammunition crates to digging latrine holes he simply follows his orders without questions. Though he may disagree with a few things, his training has taught him that arguing with a higher rank can lead to trouble. So he's learned it's better to follow his superiors orders. [u][color=a0410d]Rank[/color][/u] Private [u][color=a0410d]Role[/color][/u] Rifleman [u][color=a0410d]Equipment[/color][/u] Sm-Longfield Rifle and the standard gear of a Rifleman. [u][color=a0410d]Potentials[/color][/u] [color=a0410d]Decent Marksman[/color]: Thanks to those hunting trips he went on with his father Luke has managed to learn the basic elements to handling a loaded rifle. In his training his skills with a rifle only increased and by the time he was ready to deploy he was closer than ever with his weapon. [color=a0410d]Basic Medical Training[/color]: He’s no doctor, but he’s made sure to learn the basics. From setting a broken leg to treating a bullet wound he is able to at least stabilize an injured person until they are able to get them to safety and give them proper medical attention. [color=a0410d]Reckless[/color]: Luke has a tendency to act before thinking things through. He’ll follow his instincts through tight situations and sometimes will ignore his own well being when it comes to getting a job done. It’s proven in the past to get him in trouble, but sometimes it would work out in the end. It mostly all comes down to luck really. [u][color=a0410d]Biography[/color][/u] Luke was born into a simple family of farmers within a small and humble town that he can only describe as a little piece of heaven. Within its small tight knit community him, his father, mother and younger sisters lived a rather decent life. His father was a hard working man who always took pride in a day's worth of work in the field and enjoyed it even more when he had his family there to share it with. From his father Luke learned that life will always be filled with struggles and that he will always have to keep going with your head up, no matter how difficult the hardships are. In all honesty his father was Luke's hero, he wanted to be just like his father. A strong, reliable man that always did the right thing and took care of his loved ones. Unfortunately at a young age his father tragically passed away due to a sickness that swept through his town and left him alone with his grief ridden mother and his year old twin infant sisters. His death had been a crippling blow to the family and it was only in half a year that the land he had worked so hard to give life to seemed to fade away with him. His death was hard on the family, but it was obvious that Luke’s mother had taken the worst of it. She continued to spiral into a state of depression until she began to completely forget about her children. Luke believes she even began to lose her mind as he had overheard her talking to herself, or as if she was talking to his father's spirit. Finally after a full a year passed Luke’s mother had committed suicide after sending Luke and his sisters to another family that accepted to look after them. With bitter memories he remembers how she didn’t even have the decency to see him and his sisters off the day they left. He both pitied and hated his mother for leaving them alone like that. With the past few years being a living nightmare he went onto live with the family that had taken him and his sisters in. They owned a small supply shop in town and he quickly found himself helping around. Both the owners, Peter and Carmen were very accepting of Luke and his sisters, but they knew it was going to be much more of a issue to have them around since they already had a few mouth’s to feed. Luke, feeling grateful for their hospitality, began to take up whatever jobs he could to help around. It was hard work, but like his father he felt pride in it. As Luke moved into a more cramped household he quickly made friends with his adoptive parents kids who were both around his age, Jack and Sarah. Jack, who was the same age as Luke, always got into trouble and would always try to drag him into whatever new scheme he had planned for the day. Sarah, a year younger than him and her brother, would always reluctantly come to make sure they didn’t do anything stupid. For the first time in awhile Luke felt actual happiness, but he couldn’t ignore the painful memories that lingered over his head and he knew he would never get over it unless he did something about it. Not only did he want to find a solution to his problems, but he wanted to make something of himself. To be seen as more than a simple farmer. So as the most recent news from the war reached his town it sparked a conversation with him and Jack. After Luke revealed his goal of doing something greater than staying in this town Jack had agreed and soon suggested enlisting into the military. No one took the news of their plans to enlist well, especially Sarah who wanted to change both of their minds. After a night long argument both Luke’s and Jack’s plans were set in stone. A few days later both him and Jack set out to enlist. Both became the standard Rifleman, but they were assigned to different units. Knowing they wouldn’t be able to watch each others backs the two made a promise that they would live through this war and come back home to tell each other their stories. With a final goodbye the two departed and began their own paths through war. With the goal of finding himself through this journey of war and to make his mark on the world, Luke marches off to war with an eager grin. [u][color=a0410d]Affiliations[/color][/u] Adoptive father Peter Williams. Adoptive mother, Carmen Williams. Best friends, Jack and Sarah Williams. Younger twin sisters, Malena and Lily, that just turned seven. [u][color=a0410d]Relationships[/color][/u] Is yet to meet anyone. [color=a0410d][u]Character Theme[/u][/color] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PI0nqE5j6w[/url] [/center] [/hider]