The playful friendly lie dropped from the woman’s face. In his current stay Clay might be clumsily and slow but she was not. A snarl took her face as she effortlessly crushed the fine goblet in her fingers, the liquid within splashing up into the air and raining down upon the bar. In a blur the chair she was once sitting on crashed to the floor behind her and she re-appeared halfway across the room in blinding speed. Seemingly only pausing her actions upon noticing the newcomer as he entered. Quickly switch on her pleasant endearing smile she turned towards the Travelled warrior and in her sweetest sultry soft whisper of a voice, she spoke to him. [@Mogget] [color=purple]”Oh welcome, hope you had a blessed trip, thank the lord for your timely arrival. You see, we are having a problem with this wild thief.”[/color] She points at the young lady in furs clambering around over furniture.[@Song Book] [color=purple]”We need a strong good man to sort this. Think you can help?”[/color] Her eyes meet the newcomers as they dig into his soul searchingly. She wears the face of frailty and distress, too proper and feminine to handle such matters.