With watchful eyes and inquisitive methods, the adventurers soon noted what was off in the area they approached. The front had been lucky to not trigger the trapped slab laid on top of the stairs rushing out from under them, but as soon as it was noted it ceased being a threat. Everyone gathered to keep on moving onward, deeper into the cave that served as the headquarters of the enemy they were now facing more directly than anyone had requested of them. But was this not the best opportunity to truly strike a blow against them? And thus far, they had only met success on their assault, putting one injury aside for the merit of seven cultists slain. The left path was chosen as it was the well travelled one, and perhaps to the surprise of many it would turn out to be safe to wander. The mushrooms laid dormant on the sides, a soft earthen smell hanging about them with no harm coming to those that moved past them leaving them untouched. Those that had covered their faces missed this smell, but there was not much to lose there. It was nothing unusual. For a minute or so, there was nothing bu the company of the mushrooms and the other members of the party, even the snickers of the hyena silencing themselves for the time being. That was, until the druid could smell a dead animal up ahead, once the fungi began losing ground to a cavern floor composed of solid stone. The druid stopped and looked around frantically, its lack of darkvision not allowing it to properly see. But those who had such an ability could easily tell from whence it was coming from. Several dead bats lay on the floor, and one good look upward revealed the entire ceiling to be carpeted in them. No other threat seemed to occupy the room, and it might be a stretch to call a swarm of bats a threat even if it ceased being dormant. But there was a whole lot of them. [hider=Mechanics&Rolls] The party proceeds past the mushroom "field" without further incident. Once said area starts to be left behind you, you note you have arrived to a larger chamber within the cave, ceiling packed to the brim with bats. Anyone to move into the area needs to make a Dexterity(Stealth) check if they seek to move through without disturbing the animals. [/hider] [@Ryonara][@Gordian Nought][@Lucius Cypher][@Norschtalen][@The Harbinger of Ferocity]