[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/C1ZfJJH.png[/img][/center] [color=00ffff]"See, the thing is, you've got guts and I like that."[/color] Hammer in one hand, and fistful of electricity in the other, Raiko stared down a battered and charred magical girl. Raiko herself was far from looking like she was in peak condition. She tossed her hammer lazily onto the ground next to her, extending out her other hand as it crackled with electricity. [color=00ffff]"Get out of town. Don't participate in this Hex Night. I like you, but everyone's a competitor, and I can't [i]not[/i] thin down the competition as much as I can before it actually starts."[/color] "And if I don't?" the other girl spat. [color=00ffff]"Lightning to the face. I can't promise it won't kill you, so I'm letting you walk off relatively unharmed."[/color] Raiko held her empty, non-electrified hand out to the injured magical girl. [color=00ffff]"What'll it be?"[/color] "...fine." The girl took Raiko's hand, and got up to her feet. The magical girl reverted her transformation, looking no different from your average girl, if not rather beaten up. Raiko followed suit. "I'll just have to stay alive long enough for the next one." [color=00ffff]"That's the spirit."[/color] Although, if Raiko pulled everything off the way she was imagining, there probably wouldn't [i]be[/i] a next one. It simply wouldn't be necessary at that point, right? Best not to break it to this girl. Besides, she was already done with this one. That was one less competitor that could have potentially taken Raiko out of the running, and to her, that was what mattered most. And with that one handled, it was only a matter of finding the next competitor to be eliminated. [color=00ffff][i]One step at a time. And once we're done with everyone else and I'm the last girl standing, we get to the stuff that really matters.[/i][/color]