[@Lord Wraith][@Hillan][@JunkMail] [hider=The Good Doctor][CENTER][h1][color=#B9BA4C][b]N E M E S I S[/b][/color][/h1][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img]https://t00.deviantart.net/CefsAhXJZdzdmHl_Sif142ijgjM=/fit-in/500x250/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre00/a7eb/th/pre/i/2013/229/b/f/lms_dante_fanart_by_starvinartist-d6gk0ki.jpg[/img] [color=#B1B1AF][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] [sub][color=#B1B1AF]Victor Bartholomäus Killinger Vicious Vic The German Devil Dr. Marcus Bartholomew Reid Dr. Nathaniel Marcus Saint-John The Good Doctor[/color] [color=#B9BA4C][b]Dr. Johnathan Graham Steinberg[/b][/color] [color=#B1B1AF][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] [color=#B1B1AF]2 September 1921 ([i]Virgo[/i])[/color] [color=#B1B1AF][b]|[/b][/color] [color=#B1B1AF]97[/color] [color=#B1B1AF][b]|[/b][/color] [color=#B1B1AF]German, naturalized American[/color] [color=#B1B1AF][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] [color=#B1B1AF]Widower[/color] [color=#B1B1AF][b]|[/b][/color] [color=#B1B1AF]♂[/color] [color=#B1B1AF][b]|[/b][/color] [color=#B1B1AF]Bi-Sexual[/color] [color=#B1B1AF][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] [color=#B1B1AF]B.S. Neural Science, M.D./M.A. in Bioethics[/color] [color=#B1B1AF][b]|[/b][/color] [color=#B1B1AF]General Surgeon/Neurosurgeon at St. Peregrine's General Hospital[/color] [color=#B1B1AF][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] [color=#B9BA4C][b]Physical Profile[/b][/color][/sub] [color=#B1B1AF][sup]___________________________________[/sup][/color][b][/b][/center][hider=] [sub][color=#B1B1AF][b]//Basics: • Height[/b] | [i]5'- 11"[/i] [b]• Weight[/b] | [i]175[/i] [b]• Build[/b] | [i]Athletic[/i] [b]• Hair Colour[/b] | [i]Buzzed[/i] [b]• Eye Colour[/b] | [i]Blue[/i][/color][/sub][/hider][CENTER][color=#B1B1AF][sup]___________________________________[/sup][/color] [SUB][color=#B9BA4C][b]Miscellaneous Items[/b][/color][/sub] [color=#B1B1AF][sup]___________________________________[/sup][/color][/center][hider=] [sub][color=#B1B1AF][b]//Notes: • Other[/b] | [i]Victor owns a property along the Seal Beach coast (vacation home); he drives a dark-grey Mercedes-Benz S63; and tends to an aquarium of assorted freshwater fish to give himself a calming hobby at home. When he's off, he utilizes his at-home gym and will go jogging to decompress.[/i] [b]//Paraphernalia: • Smartphone[/b] | [i]Typical smartphone use[/i] • [b]Mercedes-Benz[/b] | [i]S63; dark-gray; tinted windows[/i] • [b]Wallet[/b] | [i]RFI; bank cards, little to no cash[/i] [/color][/sub][/hider] [sub][color=#B9BA4C][b]Character Synopsis[/b][/color][/sub] [sub][sup][color=#B1B1AF]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [color=#B9BA4C][b]September 2, 1921 - Mainburg, Germany[/b][/color] [indent][color=#B1B1AF] Victor Bartholomäus Killinger was born to Gerhard and Emilia. His parents owned a farm and made what money they could off the land and their animals. Gerhard was a World War I veteran who often told horror stories about the war to Victor amidst his drunk reminiscing. Something had happened to Gerhard for when he returned from battle, he was never the same man. Victor knew him to always be angry and unhappy. He drank so much that Victor once thought he had drowned himself and died. Because Gerhard spent most of his days drinking instead of helping with the farm, the family started to struggle. Gerhard blamed their struggle on Emilia, declaring that she did nothing while he was gone risking his life for the family. He would hit her in front of Victor and Victor would run to hold his mother and guard her from his father’s blows. It only made Victor a target next. Was this what the war had done? Could he have had a happy and simple life if it had never happened? Victor didn’t blame his father for he knew it hadn’t been his choice to go. He blamed the war and the people who felt it necessary to start one.[/color] [color=#B9BA4C][b]World War II[/b][/color] [color=#B1B1AF] Prior to the start of the Second World War, Hitler began drafting young boys for his [i]Hitlerjugend[/i], his child army. Gerhard had been drafted again and had become an officer for his prior merits in World War I. He had forced his son to join, and out of fear of winding up like Gerhard, Victor had wanted to flee. Gerhard warned him that if he did run, then he would be declared a traitor and killed. Out of fear, Victor joined Hitlerjugend and wouldn't see his mother until years later. Victor was selected to be a child officer for the Nazis praised him for having the traits of a true Aryan. Victor learned that majority of the child officers were blonde-haired and blue-eyed like him, and at fourteen-years-old, he was in command of one hundred boys who weren’t blonde and blue-eyed. One of the child officers was eventually rewarded a special jacket with the symbols of SS and directed to the front lines to fight. It was considered an honor, but Victor secretly feared it. One of the child officers noticed his decline in performance and called him out on his cowardice in front of an entire platoon. The child officer continued to ridicule him and even felt bold enough to punch him in the gut. While on the ground in the snow and mud and being laughed at by his soldiers, Victor’s mind raced over the current situation. Why was this happening? Why was he here? Why did he need to hit him? Why did they think it was funny? [i]I want to go home. I don’t want any of this. I want to escape.[/i] There was no escape and that realization triggered something within him. It tickled him. It made him feel good. It made him laugh to the rest of the boys' confusion. Victor rose to his feet, called the other child officer a [i]quackende Ente[/i], and the two fought. Victor beat the kid until an adult officer was summoned to pull him off. The child officer was hospitalized and out of the war, and Victor was whipped before his jacket was returned. It hadn’t been his old jacket, but a SS jacket. The older officers were fond of his aggression and they had sent him to the front lines. Humans liked violence. It was the only sense Victor could make of it. When France surrendered in 1940, he was 19 and serving in Paris. While in Paris, he dated a French woman who had hated him at first, believing him to be a Jew-killer. Victor hadn’t been like the other officers, which she eventually learned, and it was while dating her that he learned his French girlfriend was secretly a French-American spy by the name of Sofia Bisset. She recruited him to spy for the Americans in return of granting him U.S. citizenship once the war was over. Victor spied for the Americans and married Sofia in secret. Four years later, during the Liberation of Paris, was when Victor was forced to defect. The Nazis learned about a mole and were out to find him. Victor joined the Americans and served with them as a linguist. Sofia continued to spy until her life was taken in sudden crossfire between American and Nazi soldiers. Victor gave into the violence then and fought with the Americans on the front lines. He was given the names Vicious Vic and the German Devil by the Americans for the way he would leave the Nazis corpses in unrecognizable shape. Again, like the Nazis, they loved him for it.[/color] [color=#B9BA4C][b]The United States[/b][/color] [color=#B1B1AF] The end of World War II highlighted the damage and carnage in its aftermath. Victor’s aggression had calmed to allow him to see the death and recall his own killings. The war had stopped, but he knew that wouldn’t be the last one. As promised, Victor became an American citizen and before he moved to the United States, he returned to Mainburg, Germany to check on his mother. Emilia was still alive but Victor learned that his father had perished in the war (his desired end). Victor convinced Emilia to go with him to America and together they lived in New York. To start his new life, he changed his name to Marcus Bartholomew Reid and pursued a career in the medical field. He attended New York University, earning a Bachelors of Science in Neural Science, and then acquiring his M.D. and Master’s of Arts in Bioethics from New York University Langone. Victor remained a doctor since then through several more wars. His mother perished in 1976, pointing out something to him that he hadn't taken the time to realize before. He was always so young. It would be seen as unusual if he continued to remain in New York, so Victor changed states to Illinois, and then later to California. His relationships were loose and short-lived. It was hard for Victor to truly love again for fear that his partners would discover his abnormality. By the time he moved to Santa Celia, California, his name had changed for the third time. Marcus Bartholomew Reid, Nathaniel Marcus Saint-John, to finally Johnathan Graham Steinberg. Santa Celia was the most unusual city he had ever lived in, and strangely, he had felt more at home in such a paranormal place than anywhere else he had ever lived. As usual, there was always much violence, and as usual, as Dr. Steinberg, the best general and neural surgeon at the St. Peregrine’s General Hospital, he would be there to clean it up. [/color][/indent] [/cell][cell][sub][color=#B9BA4C][b]Appearance Details[/b][/color][/sub] [sub][sup][color=#B1B1AF]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent][color=#B1B1AF] Victor is a man of average height with the build of someone who regularly works out. When he isn’t wearing his white lab coat, he can be found wearing turtleneck sweaters, scarves, long winter coats (seasonal), nice jeans, and leather shoes. Despite having resided in the United States for years, he still prefers a typical European fashion. His hair is always buzzed short. It rarely grows and when it tries to it is uneven. If he did allow his hair to grow, it would be gray and white, having lost pigmentation over the years due to the stress his powers put on his psychology. His skin is a tapestry of violence. He always keeps it covered up beneath long-sleeved shirts and other long-sleeved material and pants. No matter the weather, Victor has never been seen wearing shorts. His body is scarred all over. His face even has a few scars: one cutting in a slant across his right brow and another slanting across his scalp from his hairline to his crown. It puts an unnatural part in the buzzed follicles of his hair. Back in the day, he had the characteristics of what Nazi Germans would have praised to be true Aryan—blonde hair and bright-blue eyes. The doctor doesn't appear his age, but not many know his true age. He appears to be in his 30s. Normally, he wears a mild and stoic expression, but as a healthcare provider he has learned to smile and grin to bring a sense of hope and comfort to his patients.[/color][/indent] [sub][color=#B9BA4C][b]Personality[/b][/color][/sub] [sub][sup][color=#B1B1AF]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [INDENT][color=#B1B1AF] He was born into a world of violence, and he never understood why. If God exists, then why allow him to be born before the apocalypse, or why allow him to be born to a man who did nothing but hurt him and his mother? Things happen for a reason, and they don’t always make sense; but over the years, one behavior has always been the same among humans. Violence. Humans are violent creatures. They are always at conflict with each other and yet they naturally gravitate toward each other. Perhaps to inevitably cause harm to the other person whether physically or mentally—or even spiritually if you believe in such a thing. Violence has always had a love-hate relationship with Victor. Secretly, he loves violence. He likes to harm others. His mind rewards him for it. He also likes being harmed. Whether the giver or receiver or even watcher, there’s a reward he experiences. It is frightening. For decades, Victor had to learn to deal with these feelings and hide them from those who wouldn’t understand. He tried to study himself—conduct private psychological research to prove or disprove whether or not he was a born psychopath. He eventually learned that he wasn’t insane and that despite how unusual his emotions were, he was normal. It was normal for him for he had always been that way. Even still, despite being a doctor, he regularly sees a psychologist if only just to talk about his problems. Victor has always felt like the outsider looking in, seeing the world in a manner that others couldn’t for they were following their genetic scripts. They might have been following their pre-destined fates for all he knew. The patients he received sometimes confused him. The harm they faced was sometimes self-inflicted intentionally and unintentionally and when unintentional, the patient always knew what they did was foolish and yet did it anyway. If he didn’t force himself to smile or speak with zest, then he would describe himself to be pretty empty. His tone and expression are often described to be very mild and indifferent by his psychologist. Humans are born with conflict in their DNA. They will always find a reason to fight, destroy, and murder one another. Victor decided that rather giving into violence, he would use his violent energies for good. Surgery was violent, but a mild form. It still gave him his rush, but he could use it to save lives. And if ever a human or any creature—because the world is unnatural—if ever a man, beast or thing wished to unleash their violent tendencies on him or anyone he cared for, then he will always be the most violent. He will be their [i]nemesis[/i].[/color][/INDENT] [/cell][/row][/table] [sub][color=#B9BA4C][b]Abilities & Skills[/b][/color][/sub] [sub][sup][color=#B1B1AF]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [INDENT][sub][color=#B1B1AF][b]//Abiliites:[/b][/color][/sub] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmQxMDUzNC5WR2hsSUUxdmMzUWdWbWx2YkdWdWRDQk5ZVzRnYjI0Z1JXRnlkR2csLjAA/youmurderer-bb.regular.png[/img][/center] [INDENT][color=#B9BA4C][b][i]Conflict Energy[/i][/b][/color] [color=#B1B1AF]| Victor has the ability to absorb conflict energy. It happens naturally outside his control. No matter whether he is being violent, another is committing violence, or violence is happening around him, his body takes it in. This violent energy numbs his body to pain, giving him a high pain tolerance. It puts him on a high that greatly amplifies his senses and enhances his physical and mental capabilities to superhuman levels. The more violence, the more chaos, the more people involved, the stronger he gets. Against a single powerful foe, the more violent that foe is, the stronger Victor becomes in conjunction. This energy has nourished Victor’s body in a unique way that eating, drinking, and sleeping doesn’t. The conflict energy feeds his cells, granting him rapid regeneration when engaged in violence, and it has granted his very being longevity.[/color] [color=#B9BA4C][b][i]Limitation(s)[/i][/b][/color] [color=#B1B1AF]| The violence is addicting in high doses. Victor can lose himself, especially in traumatic situations. Unlike a berserker, Victor is completely conscious and aware of his surroundings. He just loves it, and he doesn’t care how much harm he is inflicting on the person who earned it. The conflict energy doesn’t allow him to do anything beyond what a human is capable of. He can’t suddenly fly, shoot energy beams, or transform into an entirely new creature. His natural human capabilities are elevated to superhuman levels only through violence. Fearing losing himself to his dark passion, Victor found a job which suits his goals. As a surgeon, he is inflicting a soft level of violence on his patients, which increases his focus and precision, making him the renowned doctor he is known as today. This gives him his regular dose of violence at safe levels. His regeneration doesn't allow him to instantly restore lost limbs once a conflict has ended. If by the end of a conflict, his arm hasn't regenerated, then it won't regenerate until the next exposure opportune exposure to conflict energy.[/color] [color=#B9BA4C][b][i]Weakness(es)[/i][/b][/color] [color=#B1B1AF]| Victor is a man who struggles with hiding his sadomasochism. His secret love for violence. It has often led him to question whether he was truly a good person or not. This self-questioning makes him susceptible to manipulation not only by paranormal means but by regular means. He constantly seeks counsel from a psychologist so that he can be reminded that he’s a good person. He saves lives every day so that he can feel like a good person and not the demon he is keeping at bay. If he was to describe what he feels, he would describe the feeling to be a demon (it’s not a demon or an entity of any sort). It’s hot. It’s numbing. It horrifies him and yet it exhilarates him. It overwhelms him and makes him feel like he’s on the highest point of the planet. But violence has taken so much from him. As much as he tries to stay away from it, like a predator, it always seems to find him. While in a violent state, as accelerated as his body’s processes are, there is a stress being placed on his brain. It has led to his hair falling out, losing pigment, and him losing a piece of himself gradually overtime. His emotions become milder and milder. It is getting to the point where he doesn’t even feel present at times. Victor doesn’t know what will happen to him as he continues to exist. He finds himself becoming insensitive, and it isn’t a good quality a doctor should have. He struggles to continuously act in a sympathetic and caring manner, but he finds it harder and harder to care at times. Is it bad that other doctors often ask him to deliver bad news to families because he's so good at it? Outside the violence, Victor is as normal as any other person. The injuries that are healed by his regenerative processes leave behind scars often ugly to look at. He keeps them covered up for he doesn't wish to draw attention to himself.[/color][/INDENT] [sub][color=#B1B1AF][b]//Skills:[/b][/color][/sub] [INDENT] [color=#B9BA4C][b][i]Nerve Recognition[/i][/b][/color] [color=#B1B1AF]| Victor not only knows the nerves on a person’s body that allow them to move properly, but also the locomotive capabilities in the brain. Couple that with being a surgeon makes him a deadly combatant. Enemies can find themselves damaged beyond natural repair.[/color] [color=#B9BA4C][b][i]Master Surgeon[/i][/b][/color] [color=#B1B1AF]| Victor can patch up and even re-attach a person’s limbs with nerve function intact. An interesting plot would be if someone ever asked him to transplant inhuman parts into a human being. He just might do it out of curiosity.[/color] [color=#B9BA4C][b][i]Drug Knowledge[/i][/b][/color] [color=#B1B1AF]| He is familiar with most drugs and anesthetics. An investigator could ask for his educated opinion and there’s a high chance they’ll get an answer on the first go.[/color] [color=#B9BA4C][b][i]Pathology[/i][/b][/color] [color=#B1B1AF]| While not a pathologist, Victor has worked with hundreds of patients with various diseases and illnesses. An investigator may be able to pick his brain.[/color] [color=#B9BA4C][b][i]Accuracy[/i][/b][/color] [color=#B1B1AF]| His hand and eye coordination is above-average even without conflict energy. The brain is a sensitive place to operate in. With a weapon, this deadly accuracy can frighten most enemies.[/color] [color=#B9BA4C][b][i]Foreign Language[/i][/b][/color] [color=#B1B1AF]| He's fluent in German, French, and Spanish.[/color] [/INDENT][/INDENT] [sub][color=#B9BA4C][b]Supporting Cast[/b][/color][/sub] [sub][sup][color=#B1B1AF]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent][color=#B9BA4C][b]Anne Fitzgerald[/b][/color] [color=#B1B1AF] | Nurse and “FB.” Anne loves John, and she doesn’t keep it a secret from him. She hopes to one day win his affection, but knows that he is struggling with something. They tend to spend more time in the hospital together than outside. She doesn’t know about his other lover.[/color] [color=#B9BA4C][b]Kevin Schneider[/b][/color] [color=#B1B1AF] | Anesthesiologist and “FB.” Kevin has gravitated toward John not only because he’s handsome and has an odd “seasoned” presence to him, but because he’s also German-American and his family’s heritage is German. Kinship! He likes practicing his German with John and desires to one day become an actual couple with him. Damn Anne! She’s probably the reason why John won’t go out with him![/color] [color=#B9BA4C][b]Dr. Noland Brown[/b][/color] [color=#B1B1AF] | Psychologist. He sees that John is struggling almost as though he’s on the verge of imploding or becoming the thing he fears. He makes sure to keep himself available to John whether on the phone or in person and when he’s not available, he tries to find another psychologist to counsel him in his place. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always workout. [i]Always open to player characters.[/i][/color][/INDENT][hr][/hider]