[@DostHou] The child seems distracted by somethings. He moves around a lot and continues to rummage through his bag. Finally he takes out a military cap and continues doing some other odd motions. At this point he’s just becoming annoyed. Kid could have just been accepting and went home. Of all the things Ren hadn’t considered to do, but if it is the difference between getting caught and not. This boy was an obstacle now. Unfortunately. Sometimes he wished that events wouldn’t drive him to these desperate acts, but as the child came rushing at him, his footwork all wrong, his fist barely tightened, he grabbed the boy by the wrist. “It is true, I don’t do nice things,” Ren tells him quietly he also looks a bit remorseful. His chest is tightening, He can’t let this child get away, he can’t let them find him. He feels the creeping sensation of paranoid what if scenarios. What will happen if he is caught. Quickly taking out a knife he hides under his jacket he stabs the kid in the abdomen. He’s use to the feeling of blood on his hands, it’s warm, not comforting, “Unfortunately you are an obstacle, but I am not inclined in killing children either. As you’re not my target nor my end goal.” Kid won’t go far with an injury like that. Does he still have a soft heart after the years of what he has done? Running his knife through his hair, he’ll just tie the kid up then and keep him imprisoned. Is that worse than death,he’s not sure.