[@Lord Zee] Yeah good to see you again; I remember Larwen and likewise thought that you and Kho did very well together. It's a shame that you and I never got to interact much. I agree that Godspeed spiraled out of control and started to look like an Advanced RP. That's a large part of the reason behind why I advocate for the 'deep dive' that I mentioned. [quote] Also another tidbit I liked from Godspeed was the Prestige system for heroes, any chance that might see a return? Everything else looks great and has my support, with what that's worth. I look forward to seeing what comes of this! [/quote] The Prestige system indeed seemed to work quite well, save for how [i][b]that one guy with Promus[/b][/i] was able to make like five heroes and had mountains of prestige... :lol Perhaps modifications to how prestige is earned are warranted, but as for the system itself and how it was spent on titles, I do think that Termite was onto something. Back in the old days, we used khookies instead of prestige, and Kho would read every single hero post, rate it, and bake an appropriate amount of khookies as an award. That became too time consuming and thus we came to the more formulaic approach to prestige that you saw in Godspeed, but perhaps a compromise can be achieved. Specifically I'd look at the quest system and give it more attention. I think it makes things a lot more interest to award prestige for heroes when they actually do things of significance and/or meet failure and make sacrifices.