A rework of the rules mechanics and a move to Advanced would be cool. I would especially like Might to get chopped up to be a bit less rushable and to get more might for purely creative tasks. All this stuff would require brainstorming but I can see it working. As for the layers of the universe, I very much like that idea, just so long as there aren't too many default layers to start with -- or if there are, just so they aren't the kitchen sink of places you see in Forgotten Realms or Golarion. I would make a distinct exception for a mysterious source and sink of souls flowing to/from the spheres inhabiting mortals. If there is anything else I would like to transfer over, it would be the slowly developing idea of divine essence as we know it in this iteration. Toun's been on a journey to discover How Gods Do this entire time and I have a bunch of notes for that stuff that are kinda nifty and generalisable.