[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/cute-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181222/d7bf025a233e24615947b4781ab502d6.png[/img][/url] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/7f3f35f9b548c3b0f67ef92bb9673ebab8c1ef61/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f6238347569386b6a4b302d7156413d3d2d3432342e313464643066393661663333366166313532343734313031303238352e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b]"Gihigugma ko ikaw ang akong matam-is nga babaye. Ikaw gitagana alang sa pagkadako ug magabuhat ug daku. Ayaw kalimti ang mga tawo dinhi sa Pilipinas."[/b] Her grandfather spoke, holding her shoulders before pulling her into a hug, blinking back his tears. [color=DDA0DD]"Higugmaa usab ikaw nga lola. Nagsaad ako sa pagsulat kutob sa mahimo."[/color] Imee whispered in her grandfather's ear, closing her eyes as she took in the warmth from his embrace. She was going to miss him greatly. Releasing a breath she stepped back holding his hands in her own, a sad smile on her face as she looked to him. [color=DDA0DD]"Sama sa gusto nako nga magpabilin nga nagatindog dinhi ug nakigsulti kanimo Kinahanglan ko nga moadto aron ako Makagusto Ingon sa mas gusto ko nga magpabilin nga nagatindog dinhi ug makig-istorya kanimo Kinahanglan kong moadto aron ako makasulay sa akong una nga biyahe ug paghimo sa akong koneksyon. Hinaut nga ang paglupad dili ingon ka daotan sa akong nadungog."[/color] Imee's grandfather nodded understanding before hugging her one last time. They didn't say goodbye, their family never had. They felt goodbyes were too permanent. After the hug Imee went through security and shortly was off to the academy. [Center]••●•••●•••●•••●•••●••[/center] Imee had never felt as much panic as she had when on those planes. It had gotten so bad on the first flight that a flight attendant had to help coach her through breathing exercises and keep her from passing out. When the flight attendant found out she had another flight she pulled a few strings and was able to get Imee something to knock her out for the flight. She was very grateful for the woman for all her help. Now that she was back on land, Imelda had decided she'd rather have to speak in front of her whole pack than ever step foot on another plane or anything that took her into the air. Heights weren't a problem to her, but not having control over how high she goes... that is another story. Once this was all over, Imee was just going to have to get a boat home or even swim. She couldn't handle that panic again. Even the van she was made to sit in where she was soon surrounded by intimidating people her age was better than the damn plane. [hr] It wasn't hard for Imee to fall asleep shortly after the van began to move. The stressful plane rides and the jet lag had her exhausted. It wasn't until a few hours later that she came back to, her head resting on the cold window beside her as she heard someone speaking from the front. Sitting upright and focusing in on the words she realized it was the man in charge, Councilman Corbyn... Corbyn. What a different name compared to those she was used to. It was something she was going to have to get used to now though as she seemed to be surrounded by people from the west. Realizing she had zoned out Imee refocused only to realize they had arrived. Looking out the window she was in awe of the building. It was bigger than anything she had ever seen. Once again she heard speaking and Imee quickly realized it was the other candidates, introducing themselves it seemed. She watched them curiously until a harsh voice spoke up. As he passed by Imee she basically cowered away from him. All of the people were intimidating but he was even more so. It just made her realize how much she really didn't fit in, especially as she heard snickering from some of the others who seemed to be from another van. Imee didn't know if it was directed towards her but she was pretty sure it was. With her head down, Imee quickly retrieved her one bag from the back of the van and followed the slow trickle of people going towards the building. All the while wanting to be anywhere but where she was. [Hider=Translations] In order of the appearance:(I'm using google translate so I cant guarantee it is 100% correct) [b]"I love you my sweet girl. You are destined for greatness and will do great. Just don't forget about us folk back here in the Philippines."[/b] [color=DDA0DD]"I love you too grandfather. I promise to write home as much as possible."[/color] [color=DDA0DD]"As much as I'd prefer to keep standing here and talking to you I need to go so I can catch my first flight and make my connection. Hopefully flying is not as bad as I heard it is.""[/color] [/hider]