[hr][center] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjBkNzI0NS5UV0Z5YVdwdUlFUnlhV1Z6YzJWdUlBLCwuMQAA/happyhanneke.regular.png [/img] [/center] [code]Hospital[/code] [sub] [@Zombiedude101][/sub] [hr] Everything was too bright when Rien woke up. The white walls hurt their eyes, the slightly clinical smell hitting the back of their throat. Sluggishly they moved a hand to rub their eyes. Where the fuck were they? They could remember standing at the wall with Billy when some kind of portal appeared. Then after that it was just darkness… and a strange dream. They sat up, wincing as their body protesting. So they were in a hospital. Just how long had they been out? That would explain the glaring whiteness and Rien’s general hatred for their surroundings. They’d never liked hospital, not after spending so long in them with Katya when they were younger. But that wasn’t something they wanted to think about. [i]”Hello?”[/i] Someone else in the same ward asked. Rien tried to reply but found that their throat wasn’t being all too compliant with that. The person seemed quite far away from how quiet their voice was – must be a long ward. It didn’t help that they couldn’t see anything around due to the curtains that surrounded their bed. Maybe they should go back to sleep. Yeah, sure, some voice had told them that the Glutton had found them. But what chance did they stand? It had gone so well the last time. Surely it was easier to just… give up and sleep. A piercing scream pulled Rien out of their depressing thoughts. Okay, maybe they should get up after all. They not so gently disconnected the IV line that had been connected to them, trying to ignore how much everything hurt as they stood up. They winced as their feet touched the ground – it was painfully cold without shoes. They felt somewhat naked in nothing but a hospital gown and without their drawing pad, but what else were they to do. First peering out of the curtains, Rien then stepped out when they noticed no one else was outside. “Anyone else awake?” They asked, loudly. It was a bit of a dumb question – they knew someone was. They were pretty sure it was that guy who’d pulled them all through a wall, though their memory of voices wasn’t amazing. “I don’t like the sound of that scream at all, and safety in numbers and all seems like a smart idea.” They paused thoughtfully. “Also I’m kind of screwed alone because I can’t use my ability without drawing tools.” [hr][center] [img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjk2LmNmNWNmZi5WSFY1Wlc0Z3hKQnZ3NkJ1LjAA/otterly-adorable.regular.png [/img] [/center] [code]Hospital[/code] [hr] When Tuyen woke up, the first thing she saw was her shadow. Standing over her, still and silent. She’d almost hoped the whole thing had been a bad dream. Of course it hadn’t been. All the death had been real. She wasn’t sure how she’d survived. Her head ached as she slowly opened her eyes. She was greeted by unfamiliar surroundings – a bed that wasn’t her own, and clothes far from it. A hospital? She could barely remember what had happened past the Glutton killing Hagan. Maybe that was for the best. Already the whispers had started in her mind – but Tuyen tried to ignore them. She tried to get her bearings. How long had she been out? Was everyone else here too? That would make sense. After all the God-Child had told them all to wake up because they’d been found. A positive thought if there is any. [i]You’re lucky to still be alive.[/i] Tuyen agreed with that shadow on that one. Was it even something it had said? It was quite a logical thought. She [i]was[/i] lucky to be alive. They all were. But the thought didn’t fill her with any joy. Somehow she was sure none of this was over yet. Far from it. She practically jumped out of bed as a piercing scream rang in her ears. Nearby, too. Panic beat through her chest, with Tuyen’s breaths becoming faster and shallower. Her body felt numb from the lack of use but still she forced herself to move, stumbling out from the curtains surrounding her bed and into the ward she’d been sleeping in. She promptly fell into a wall, leaning against it heavily as something close to a sob racked through her body. The panicked feeling only increased as did the pace of her breathing. She knew, deep down, that she had to get a hold of herself. She’d survived this far. [i]By pure luck.[/i] Right, it was that. Because she was useless enough to be having a [i]panic attack[/i] straight after waking from some kind of coma when god knows what was coming after them. She had to move, but she didn’t know where to. She knew she had to get out, but that was easier said than done when she could barely force herself to move.