[quote=@Cyclone] To start with, I'm of the opinion that it's high time we took a collective dive into the deep end and made a Divinus in the Advanced RP section. This is basically the opposite approach of what was done with Godspeed some time ago, so I'm interested in seeing how it might turn out differently. [/quote] Let's be honest, Divinus has always been an Advanced RP and we've just been kidding everyone that it was Casual. [quote=@Cyclone] Another idea I had to differentiate it from past Divinus RPs was to bunker down bigtime on the mythology, magic, and divine aspects. Basically I'd canonize the metaphysics as being more or less completely Aristotelian; the universe would be composed of a series of numerous concentric spheres and would be Galbar-centric. With Galbar as the middle sphere, there'd be upper 'Celestial' spheres with the stars and such embedded into them, as well as 'lower' spheres that might contain an underworld and the like. [/quote] This reminds me of something Logos said a while back. [quote] [b]"Were our influence to remain bound to one sphere, the expanse of reality would have been considerably... [i]less[/i]."[/b] [/quote] The spheres are a cool idea which really reinforce the mythic themes of Divinus. However, the primary effect is centering the focus on Galbar. In the current iteration, the only thing special about Galbar is that we've decided to make it special. But we've been having issues with people just nicking off to the far side of the Universe, which can be problematic as we now have people playing by themselves rather than with everyone else. By literally making Galbar (or whatever we eventually decide to name the world) the center of the universe, we don't need to contrive a reason for people to stay on Galbar, and we also won't have people getting distracted by an infinite number of worlds to inhabit. This is a good thing. [quote=@Cyclone] Anyways, the concept of the spheres would tie in to the nature of divinity and the powers of the gods. ... Given the much greater emphasis on personal planes by lieu of this concept of spheres, I am tempted to make modifications to the Domain(Portfolio) system. Specifically I find myself tempted to say that 'Domains' as we call them are no longer necessary; I could rename Portfolios to something more like Foci. A god could then take completely unrelated Foci, like Horses, Earthquakes, and Seas (a la Poseidon). Though you wouldn't start with one, our notion of 'Domain' could perhaps be renamed to Cluster. Taking multiple closely-related Foci like Volcanoes and Forges would give you a cluster over that sort of thing, in this case Fire. Having the cluster of Fire would imply some level of mastery and control over all things Fire-related, even if they aren't technically Foci. [/quote] I'm still partial to the name 'Portfolio'. It accurately describes what it is: the range of specialised skills and abilities you have acquired. From what I gather in what you're describing, 'Domains' as we call them are superseded by the Sphere you bind yourself to/affiliate with, correct? This seems to be natural. Your Sphere describes where you are most powerful and gives a general theme (although not restrictions) to your power. Clusters seem interesting. The concept might need some refining, but I think there's something workable there. [quote=@Cyclone] I would have a figure that I'll nickname 'the Architect of the Spheres' as the informal leader of the pantheon. [/quote] This works nicely, especially for setting up such a specific and structured cosmology before the players arrive.