The pair had taken to leaning against the back wall of the auditorium when the headmistress delivered the speech, listening with differing levels of interest as their eyes swept the room. The way that Aristide crossed his arms over his chest, lip curled, practically screamed to the world that he wasn’t especially impressed. It was a carefully constructed look, a position of the body that declared that all the agency of his self was his, that he was a master of his own fate and his own being. It was a voice of power. Perhaps, in some way, there was some truth to it. They were entirely on their own, after all. For the first time, they were far from home, entirely in control of themselves; unless you counted the staff of the school, which Aristide didn’t. Library seemed to grant more respect to the situation, back straight and shoulders squared, though her eyes betrayed her disinterest. As the headmistress finished, she stepped closer to her brother, voice barely a whisper. [color=#E77471]“I guess that means that we’re supposed to figure out where we’ll be staying on our own, then.”[/color] [color=#F70D1A]“Well, it [i]seems[/i] like she wants us to just have us a nice little Lord of the Flies…[i]thing[/i] here, so I’m not surprised.”[/color] Aristide’s tone was just as his body suggested: bored. However, as the words left his mouth, the curled lip formed a half-smile, and he straightened up a bit. [color=#F70D1A]“In which case, I’m afraid you won’t last very long at all, Libby dear.”[/color] [color=#E77471]“Thanks for your voice of confidence.”[/color] She paused. Her shoulders seemed to twitch a bit. [color=#E77471]“[i]Lord of the Flies[/i], published on September 17th, 1954, was William Golding’s first novel. During a wartime evacuation, a British aeroplane crashes on or near an isolated island in a remote region of the Pacific Island, with the only survivors being a group of young prepubescent boys. The boys then-”[/color] Library gave a stifled noise, rapidly snapping her fingers, then quieted. Aristide just rolled his eyes. [color=#F70D1A]“Absolutely helpless. Just stay close. They’ll eat you alive if they get the chance.”[/color] [color=#E77471]“I’m not a five year old, you know.”[/color] [color=#F70D1A]“Then [i]act[/i] like it.”[/color] [color=#E77471]“Says the person who broke a chair during a temper tantrum.”[/color] That managed to get Aristide’s smile to tighten a bit. [color=#F70D1A]“Just shut up. Let’s go find some other…”[/color] He waggled his fingers. [color=#F70D1A]“Munchkin to associate ourselves with.”[/color] Rolling her eyes, Library followed after her brother as he left the wall, and the two began their search for company.