In a hurry, but posting mostly for the land. [hider=WIP] [b]Name of Nation:[/b]The Holy Kingdom of Andred [b]Species:[/b] Men [b]Culture and Society:[/b] Andred is an elective monarchy. A tough and redoubtable folk, with traditional values of an old warrior society that has had to get used to a technological and economical revolution the past few centuries. There have been three different families that have ruled from the Capital, though as fate would have it, the founding family of Connerad has returned, its youngest son having been elected nigh on fifteen years ago. King Kraygar Connerad the first, of Burtswik. Below him are the Dukes and Earls, who vote for the new King when it is time. The highest class of warriors and statesmen are the Thanes, though unlike the Dukes and Earls, Thanes are warriors first and statesmen second, and are the personal bodyguard of the King. Most Thanes are of the Kavaleri class, a group of heavily mounted warriors. [b]History:[/b] [b]Territorial Claims:[/b] Far right territory! [img][/img] [b]Economy:[/b] The country of Andred has a myriad of different exports. For starters the coastline and the Isle of Mandori has fish aplenty, and the norther shores even have whales and the occasional walrus for Ivory. The majority of Andred is not made for crops, the forests being too thick and the mountains looming over much of the country, but near the river valley, there is rich soil where apples, wheat, rye, barley, oats, strawberries, potatoes, tomatoes, and cherries are grown and harvested. These cash crops would make the river valley the richest region, though the mountain zones have gold, tin, iron, and copper, and the coastlines have far more trade exports than any other location. All in all, The Andred economy is healthy and fairly balanced. [b]Army:[/b] [b]Navy:[/b] [b]Traits:[/b] [b]Foreign Relations:[/b] [b]Rolls:[/b] (Rolled by GM in the Discord Server. Just ping me, and I’ll roll as soon as I’m able.) [b]Other:[/b] [/hider]