[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181003/b8b2065828b9d9728c5309b1e95dee54.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/tJj9TkVy/source.gif[/img] [b][i]BOOK ONE: WATER[/i][/b][hr][@Dusty][@Polaris North][@FantasyChic][@Morose][@Nallore][@Bartimaeus][hr][hr][/center][center][h1][color=10DC67]Hikaru[/color] and [color=9C3E28]Ryuu[/color][/h1][/center][hr][hr] Chaos was definitely going on all around them, and Hikaru was trying to come up with some sort of plan to get out of there without her shirt catching on fire or something. As long as she kept moving, the air hopefully would quickly knock out any flames that actually appeared on her clothes, as it has proven thus far, but she was running out of ideas, and quickly. It took her a moment to realize that someone had burst up onto the wall using water bending, and a fire bender prisoner trying the same thing, but she hit the ground. Hikaru thought for a moment, before she landed on the ground right next to Hiroyuki and Jia Li, recognizing that the fire bender had been trying to help her out. [color=10DC67]"Warning, this likely will feel weird, and you might have to catch yourself, but it'll be alright in the long run... I hope... Course could accidentally overshoot it but we have got to get out of the main area, on the wall we'd have a better shot at defending ourselves... I'd tell you to hang on, but that seems to be a bit pointless all things considering,"[/color] she said, before there was a strong gust of wind and Hiroyuki would find himself up in the air and managed to land safely on top of the wall. [color=10DC67]"Not waiting to ask if you want a boost, up you get,"[/color] she said to Jia Li, before she'd also find herself up the wall. Up on the wall, several guards noticed the group now up there, and fire started getting shot their way. Blasts of flame that were quick, and some of them were quite powerful despite the rain, and hit Yumiko, knocking her backwards and burning her slightly. The other two, since they still had a slight wind around them, were uninjured from the fire as it died out before it reached them. Ryuu recognized what Hikaru was doing, and wasn't wasting anytime, using his sword, he fought his way towards her. He definitely was pretty skillful, even without any sort of bending abilities, and after a few moments, he managed to reach her, taking a few deep breaths as it was a little bit tiring. [color=9C3E28]"Mind giving me a boost up to? Think we could use all the help we can get to get out of here don't you think?"[/color] [color=10DC67]"Sure, give me a moment,"[/color] she said, before a gust of wind knocked him skyward, and he landed perfectly on his feet behind one of the guards, and ran the guy through with his blade, before tossing him off the wall. This was not going to be easy. They still had to make it off the wall, safely to boot, and make it as far away from the prison as possible. This situation was looking to be more impossible by the minute the more that he thought about it. Hikaru was still on the ground below, and she was sending gusts of wind at the guards and the fire they sent at her, keeping them at bay for the most part as chaos reigned around them.