[@liferusher] [center][h2][color=0072bc]Hirasawa, Adrian[/color][/h2] Location: Shrine[/center] Footsteps receded below him as the maiden who cared for the shrine finished their various chores, unaware of their guest resting comfortably in the baking hot sun atop their roof. Adrian was often a visitor to the place as it was a ways away from anyone he knew. Family rarely visited any place with religious roots and thus was perfect to take his ease at. At the moment he was little taller than a toddler, stubby arms and legs sporting a reptilian skin matching the roofs colors. The great wings of an insect, a moth, were bundled tight below him acting as a blanket to lay on. His usual headwear, a horned skull decorated with a few nicknacks he had borrowed from hisnsister for a bit of color, danged from tight knots on the horns. From time to time they made a soft jingling noise as he shifted. School hours were nearing a close but he had skipped on the last few classes before summer break had begun, getting a headstart on his relaxation. The low buzzing in his pocket woke him from his quiet comtemplation, signaling an hour left before Kaede was off school as well. Personally he felt his younger sister did not care for his presence, his overprotectiveness, but Adrian was determined to hover over her even if she didnt want it. It was a brothers job to protect his sibling. Rising up with a groan and a stretch, the massive wings on his back unfurled as he grew in length and his skin shifted back to human flesh, pale but unblemished. "Good nap.." mumbling quietly to himself, readjusting his clothes to fit properly after his shift. Now closer to 5'8". His weight and height, everything about him, was capable of alteration thanks to his powers. "I bet that girls gonna bail and head somewhere before coming home again." Whether or not that was true, meant Adrian would have to investigate. With a great leap he rose high into the air with flaps of his moth wings and took off in a gentle glide. If he needed speed he could take on the wings of larger animals but there was no reason for haste. Off into the distance he flew, the strange patterns on his wings drawing a few eyes. [hr] Gliding high in the sky, his eyes roamed the crowd for Kaede but couldn't locate her by sight alone. It only took a few seconds for his nose to reconstruct into a canines and replicating their sense of smell. The various odors of the city came alive but his practice with the senses was keen and soon found her scent wandering away from the path home. [i]Pizza place?[/i] The trip took a great deal of time. Several times Adrian had to land and continue on foot, the heat adding to his exhaustion along with the energy of flying, but eventually caught up to Kaede as she sat down at, of course, a pizza spot. Nestled at a seat near the wall, Adrian swooped in and.. -THWACK- Flew right into the tempered glass window right at the front of the store so hard it rattled the others next to it, Adrians foot was still on the frame while his body lay in a crumpled heap, wings spread out across the ground as he groaned. "Uuurgh". Was the only thing he could say, the world spinning around him. Yet another graceful landing..