[color=gray] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ymgzihY.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/KaJ5LmD.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [sub][color=seagreen]L O C A T I O N[/color] / / [color=royalblue]Homecoming @Crown Heights Country Club[/color] [color=seagreen]I N T E R A C T I O N S[/color] / / [color=royalblue]Sickly Speed Demon[/color][/sub][hr] [indent][indent] It was loud. Really loud. It was so loud that Kavi wasn’t even sure if he could hear himself think, which was certainly a problem for him. If he couldn’t hear himself think then he couldn’t hear himself speak. And if he couldn’t manage that much, then how the hell was April to know the compliments he has been trying to give her for the past three minutes. He certainly heard her, mainly talking about Diablo. Kavi wasn’t surprised. He passed them right as soon as they reached the dual tents where the homecoming was being held at in the country club. The one thing that Kavi wasn’t particularly thrilled with was the choice whoever was in charge of the music selection chosen. At some point, Kavi and April managed to find a free table. It was a decent length away from the dancefloor, so the unreasonable blaring of EDM beats wasn’t so ear-piercing and it allowed Kavi to actually hear himself, though it wasn’t without some downsides. Specifically, April and Kavi left alone and only the awkwardness of silence remaining. Yeah, [i]now[/i] it’s quiet. Kavi checked his phone as he found himself scrolling through his many missed calls. If he was being honest, his mind was not necessarily on the dance or Santiago or even April, though his eyes couldn’t help but glance at her dress occasionally, which was a lot in a short amount of time. The truth was he was uncharacteristically distracted by the slight fear that the cop from before would come find them. Be whatever Godly figure that compelled him to actually give a rat’s ass about it, it couldn’t be helped. It wasn’t every day he cared about shit like that, but Kavi as too beautiful to go to jail. He wouldn’t last a day and if he got arrested, that’s exactly where he was heading. [color=teal]“So, I was thinking,”[/color] Kavi suddenly said as he took his eyes from his Samsung Galaxy S9 and directed them at April, [color=teal]“if for whatever reason I get arrested, don’t be the hero and say you were the one driving. One, they’d never believe you because I’ll say I was and two, well actually there’s only one thing. And another thing, how are you feeling?”[/color] Kavi asked, quickly directing his own topic to a totally different one. [/indent][/indent][/color]