[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c48684b4-d08f-48bf-95a4-f0ae90b41385.png[/img][/center][hr] [b]"Everyone, please stop what you're doing and return to Zone 2; we're calling the examination off early. Any dummies that you bring back with you may still be counted towards your score, unless you've deviated in order to retrieve them. Also, one of our participants is being treated by our medical team as we speak. If any of you have sustained injuries or the like during the course of the exam, now would be the time to see them."[/b] Shun stumbled away from the bus as the announcement was made. He felt sick, and not just because his body was rapidly tearing itself apart and putting itself back together again around the edges in an attempt to return to normalcy. It was over? But he was just about to win! He put himself through this for what? Nothing? Would he have to do this [i]again[/i]? No, if they were doing a retest, the proctor wouldn't have said to bring any remaining dummies. He failed. The adrenaline was wearing off. He was cold, battered, his quirk was overused, and he hadn't even rescued a single dummy. Worse, he'd left the one he [i]could've[/i] rescued back by the starting zone - it could even be counted against him for leaving a civilian in a potentially dangerous situation. And he was so close to taking out this villain - the one that kept him from scoring. Shun clutched the gun tighter in his grasp. He [i]failed[/i]. He lethargically made his way around the bus back to Mari, eyelids drooped and body flickering sporadically like an image on a faulty TV set. Airplane Arms was there too. That explains the yelling and the breeze. Shun had barely even noticed. What a horrible day this was turning out to be. Hopefully he'd at least get pity points for putting up a fight. [color=2EFEC8]"So, with the bus, uh, out of commission,"[/color] he murmured, barely managing on a cheery front for the other two while pointedly avoiding looking in the Mastermind's general direction, [color=2EFEC8]"how are we getting home?"[/color] He still had the gun in his grip, hanging loosely at his side almost tauntingly. Petty as it sounds, he wanted this pretend-villain to see that he'd lost at the very least. [hr][@Stern Algorithm][@AdmrlStalfos19][@ShwiggityShwah]