[center][b][h1]James Aka Sliver[/h1][/b] Interactions: Venom [@Unknown100] Location: Rescue Jet [hider=current appearance][img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/251b/f/2011/227/f/b/anti_spider_man_by_xashe-d46jxk5.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [hr] [color=lightblue]"So we are just going to throw the word alien around now? In front of the others? Are you sure that is wise? While we just almost literally fought back to back in that hotel I think we should ease others into this discussion. ",[/color] James pauses and sits down almost like Venom except a bit more relaxed then although he flinched a bit each time he moved still feeling the ache in his muscles and over every nerve ending his symbiote suit covered, [color=lightblue]"Sorry if I am a bit off at the moment, my other half really didn't like those agents' grenades. So let's get to it if you want to have this discussion here. While I rather we have this conversation somewhere less crowded. So let's do this then.[/color] James reaches up to his face and grabs his mask then pulls on it. It pulls off the symbiote material which fuses back into his hand and into the rest of the suit. He then says, [color=lightblue]"Starting this off with answering your request you had back in the hotel. You wanted to see my face if I remember correctly to see if am still human. Well looky I am human after all. Also if I remember correctly I said i'd show you mine if you showed me yours. Then you called me a creep. So how about it, a face for a face?"[/color] James spoke with a smile trying to keep a light tone while a bit in discomfort pain. James kept his senses paying attention to those around him. Realizing this conversation might not go for long. As he wasnt sure when he would be dropped off out in Hells Kitchen like he asked. New York city was his home and it is the prefer place he wanted to be dropped at. While he wanted to have a conversation with Venom he was at the mercy of time and how long the jet gets them to where they all need to go.