[h2]Rainna Rivera[/h2] Rainna continued watching the stones as they left Adam's hand, preparing to dodge out of the way should they be aimed right at her. However, he instead channeled them over her and they seemed to disappear, before she felt the pressure of the bottom rock and heard the shifting of the stack over her head. She instinctively turned her head in an attempt to glance up, with Adam responding by removing the stones and flinging them aside towards one of the nearby trees. It appeared that he was not interested in a spar, preferring to practice his skills in a more playful way. From what he had just done, it seemed that there was at least a little bit of a child under that stoic demeanor. His rather lengthy elaboration on what he called his 'enhanced perception' which came next was no surprise to Rainna. Considering his first words to her, it was something to be expected. However, he made it clear that he was aware of how strange his manner of speech may come across as to others. A little of his nervousness was showing, and Rainna found herself chuckling a little every time he stopped himself or acknowledged his tendency to ramble. He did not look like the type who would care at first, but now, it really looked like he was concerned about 'fitting in'. She almost found it rather adorable. "Hey, if it takes that much of an effort, then don't worry about it. Besides, listening to you speak is quite... refreshing," she assured him, before leaning in closer. "That's interesting, I guess you'd have figured out that Outterridge was hiding something even if you hadn't seen what happened last night." She then turned to the tree he had directed the rocks at, bringing them back to the training. "Bet you I can cut this right down with my mist, though, that'll probably be dangerous, so I shouldn't. Hmm, want to practice levitating objects I can dissolve so I can practice my aim?" [@Eric Horst] [hr] Yunnie was successfully put to sleep at the start of Ronnie's demonstration, expecting to meet with the dreamwalker in her subconsciousness. However, she did not see him throughout the entire period of her slumber. Instead, she was met with flashes of a run-down laboratory or experimental facility, menacing shadows, and the terrifying jaws of an unknown creature. She would awake to find that her partner had vanished. The training session had already begun when Mona arrived in Roxgeo Forest. The first person she saw would be the Asian girl from the night before, by herself and just having woken up from a state of unconsciousness. [@OliveYou] [@Ken] (Welcome back)