[img]https://i.gyazo.com/09f69441b4d899e56319029280e7c707.png[/img] [i]"...The infinite light and dark cast forth sea, and within sea they placed land, and the Gods were born of the land to toil there. Yet these beings grew weary of their task - some gave up their immortality, grew old and died, while others chose to wander the boundless waters in search of greater things. As their numbers dwindled, Man was cast forth from the sea to help the few remaining Gods to continue their nurture - and eventually Man usurped this task as their own, and the Gods toiled no longer. ...Goaded on by their rising importance, and noting the relative complacency of the Gods, vile men rebelled, set fire to their masters' robes and painted the oceans red with the products of their greed. If not for the wisdom of The Mother, they may have succeeded in their despicable ambitions - and if not for her subsequent mercy, they might have condemned all Man to death for their deeds. Yet The Mother was merciful, and so Man was spared and granted continued life on land, to toil as the Gods of old once did. . .and to Forget their wicked aspirations forevermore."[/i] [hider=Setting] Welcome to Urtha, an ever-shifting island perfectly divided between a realm of endless day, and a plane of eternal night. Within this land dwell two races - that of the "Gods" or Cyclopes, and that of "Man" or the Sea-People. Standing at about 7-9 feet tall, the Gods are a race of lithe, hairless, magically-gifted beings with pointed ears and an absolute reverence for the land. It commands such respect from them, in fact, that they're entirely carnivorous, preferring to feast on fish, sheep, fowl and (if they're particularly angry), undisciplined workers. They're protected and ruled over by The Mother - an ancient God who remembers all through her dreams, and sees even more through the use of her eight eyes. With these eyes, she sees many things - life, death, the elements...and even visions of time itself; Of late, the sights she has seen have disturbed her deeply - terrible visions of death, decay, and unknown forms from unknown realms. Perhaps these are only apart of her imagination, perhaps she's simply growing old...but there's a strange truth to these images, and she's certain that somehow, some way, great change is on the horizon. You, on the other hand, are apart of the subservient race of Man. You have no official leader but The Mother, and since the days of the rebellion, it'd seem that your kind is meant only to continue to nurture these ever-changing lands...- but fate is a fickle thing, and unbeknownst to the majority, an almighty shift is taking place between the dynamic of master and servant; though, as of yet, fewer still really know to what end. In the meanwhile, you'll continue to farm, herd and craft for the benefit of this Neolithic-esc economy. The island itself constantly shifts in dimensions and nature, changing whole environments in the blink of an eye. Note: This will primarily be a character-driven RP; while there's inevitably going to be action taking place, combat will be less prevalent than you might normally expect. Make no mistake though - when it comes time for violence, there will be blood. [/hider] [hider=Rules] 1. Don't be an idiot or a dick - adhere to common courtesy. 2. RP accordingly - no one character can do it all, and everyone must accept defeat at some point. Still, you can join or leave at any time with characters both new or old - they'll only be registered as "missing" if you establish them as such within the story itself...just be willing to adapt to any changes in circumstances. Also remember to reach out whenever possible to the players of the characters with which yours will be interacting - permissions are important to any player, and brainstorming is usually a little easier between two heads. 3. Posts must be at least one paragraph (ideally two or more) and at least once per week. If someone isn't able to reply before the week's end, you're free to get creative and write around them for the purposes of continuing the story. Try not to drop a ten-paragraph monolith unless the situation absolutely demands it - even in RP, "Show, Don't Tell" will yield the most dramatic and interesting stories. 4. You're welcome to add to the world-building so long as you run it by me. Character-related changes won't be vetted unless they drastically impact other players or the world in an unfair way (OP, Mary-Sue, Et-Cetera). Remember that I will require you to rewrite some posts if they don't fit well enough within the contexts of the world and/or in-the-moment. 5. Try not to overuse the OOC tab for chatting - I encourage you to use our Discord for general chatter: https://discord.gg/MgBcnwQ [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet Outline] [i]As I believe more in showing over telling, all I require is a good physical description of your character, and regular updates to suite changes made through the story. Everyone will always have a good idea of their characters look like, and you won't waste time musing over how they're "supposed" to behave. Create the rest of the character within their actions/interactions in the story, but remember to be consistent. Note: You can ignore the structure of the Name Outline for anything you find more desirable ("Macy" or "Tellar, Obron", for example).[/i] [b](Insert Character Portrait Here, If Desired)[/b] [b][u]Forename[/u][/b] [b][u]Midname[/u][/b] [b][u]Famname[/u][/b]: [u]Age[/u]: 87. [u]Height[/u]: 5'8". [u]Build[/u]: Withered, lean-muscle with exposed veins. [u]Skin[/u]: Caucasian, old and wrinkled. [u]Eyes[/u]: Singular blue eye. [u]Hair[/u]: Scraggly, disheveled white mess extending to shoulders. [u]Equipment[/u]: —Example Rapped, ragged black robe. —Example Elaborately gilded, "winged" gold&silver nasal helm. —Example Plain brown sandals. —Example Crooked staff in left hand. [u]Distinguishing Features[/u]: —Example Scraggly-beard. —Example Missing left eye. —Example Hunched posture. —Example Ravens perched over shoulders. [/hider] Don't hesitate to hit me up with any questions!