Tomoe's phone beeped, and she paused in her preparation of an after-school snack to check it. [Quote][code]*** New private message FROM user: [MEGA_GENIUS] *** no rules saying teams arent allowed. just only one winner. if you are who i think you are, we could work well together. wanna meet?[/code][/quote] MEGA_GENIUS had been the one to point out the Hex Night channel. However she hesitated before replying. [quote][code]You seem to know who I am, but I'm not familiar with you. I'd normally never meet up with someone I'm unfamiliar with, but given the circumstances, I'd be willing to oblige. I know a place in Akiba. A little cosplay cafe called Q-B's. Come in costume. At least in Akihabara we won't stand out.[/code][/quote] She grabbed her wallet and bag, checked her keys, and stepped outside. [@Anza]