A splitting headache forced Kalisa awake from her slumber. Her head was heavy and her body was aching somewhat. Sweat dripping down her forehead told her that it was the heat that was causing this pain on her. The Darcsen girl wasn't used to the heat, so sleeping in these temperatures was uncomfortable to the say the least. She was lying on her side, facing the exit of the makeshift tent that she was in. Opening her eyes slightly, she spots Diana exiting the tent. It took her a few blinks before she could properly open her eyes. Wiping away the sweat from her forehead with her free arm, she slowly sat up while rubbing her eyes with her other arm. "Oh, you're awake." A voice called out to her. Kalisa turned to the owner of the voice, who turned out to be the medic who took her here the day before. It seems she had a mild concussion from before she conked out. It wasn't anything too serious, she was just unable to settle down to remedy it immediately which caused her to pass out. The previous day certainly left a mark on her. It was her first real taste of war, and it also had her first confirmed kill. She made some acquaintances on the field, though she was wary about calling them friends immediately. While they had some laughs and bonded a little before the retreat back down, they still did barely know each other outside of their names. Jean's a bit of an exception, though that one's more of a Darcsen thing. The girl was also told to head on over to the train station as soon as she was able. It seems like they were gonna be addressed by Middleton for something. [hr] Some speech that was. Although, most of it did just pass by Kalisa's head. While she was paying attention, she found Middleton's speech to be rather wordy and kinda spaced out a few times. She did catch that he himself was promoted to Captain, with Jean to Corporal and Daniel to Lance Corporal. The former didn't sound too appealing for her even if it did make sense, but she made a mental note to congratulate the latter two for their promotions whenever she runs into them on the train. Kalisa was at the far back of the formation, so she was one of the last to board the train carriages. Eventually it was her turn to get on, and she took her time to look over the other cabins. A few had some familiar faces in them, but most of them were either empty or barely occupied. One of the later doors she opened revealed that Jean and Diana had already been occupying the cabin it led to. [color=6A47FE]"Oh hey, you two."[/color] She gave a small wave to them. [color=6A47FE]"I hope you don't mind me joining you guys."[/color] She said as she closed the door behind her. She took one of the seats beside the door opposite Jean as she quickly noticed that her Darcsen fellow didn't seem to be in high spirits at the moment. Although she planned to congratulate Jean, it also dawned on her just what a promotion would entail. Kalisa figured that the sudden increase in responsibility was weighing him down, especially with how many people they lost in their regiment yesterday. She overheard that the madwoman from yesterday got unlucky and died during the retreat back also. [color=6A47FE]"Jean... you alright?"[/color] She quietly addressed the other Darcsen with a concerned look on her face. It wouldn't seem right to bring up the promotion right now, so she hopes that a little prodding will help her understand why he's so aloof. [color=6A47FE]"Didn't get enough sleep?"[/color] She was somewhat wishing that he was just... grumpy from not being able to count sheep, something that can be addressed while they're on the train. [@LetMeDoStuff] [@Landaus Five-One]