Whelp, I am just ashamed to show my face in here. Every time I "come back", I end up disappearing instantly, and it all boils down to the little thing that gave me the fire to write as Astarte... A desire for freedom. It was something I didn't have, freedom, back in my old home, and my greatest way of tasting it was through writing as Astarte. Her antics, her personality, the way she was unpredictable. It was all so lovely to me, such a breath of fresh air to my soul. It pains me to say, I don't think it is so anymore. I love her, and I love Divinus and all the characters in it (I mean, who can forget all the adventures we've had? The years we've spent together?), but I just can't keep writing this character, I can't get myself to bring her back as she should be. Those of you who joined Godspeed noticed the vast difference in my characters. While Astarte has always been my character, and she's always been unpredictable, Aella was much more calm, collected and serious. It reflects my growth as a person, the things I desire in life, and I believe even that has changed lately. I don't know your names, or your faces, I don't know your dreams, but is it not true that we've been a part of each other's lives for a long time, is it not true that we will remember and cherish, with so much nostalgia, these little characters and stories we've told here? I've derailed my own post long enough. I want you, my friends, to know that I want to keep sharing words with you. I want to keep building worlds by your side. And so, I want to offer you my full support in this coming iteration of the Divinus series. Do you need graphics done for the wikia? I can do so. Do you need to talk to someone about ideas for characters or arcs? I'm always available for you guys. Please do ask me for help if you need it, and I will do my best to support you. Also I might create an entirely new character when the new Divinus comes around. These last few years have been so hectic yet so dull for me, so I really want to bring some color back into my stuff, yeah? :)