[b][color=gray]Maximus[/color][/b] [i][color=Gray]Looks even worse this time.[/color][/i] Maximus eyes darted across the room giving each new student only a quick glance for his first impression. Every single detail he could see gave him enough information to discard some of them, from their posture and their clothing to more minute details like their fingernails or the way they gripped their bags. It was like always a very diverse group, witches chatting with cyborgs, ninjas and mafioso. All seemed capable enough and Maximus would teach most of them but what he truly wanted was an heir. Someone to pass all his wisdom, skills and means too. [color=gray]"We will see when the classes start."[/color], he mumbled to himself, [color=gray]"If not today I still have eternity."[/color] He turned around and looked at Jenny, [color=gray]"Lets see how many run home this time."[/color] [@blackdragon] [b][color=brown]Ricky[/color][/b] [color=brown]"Robbing people? Cheating? This definitely is the right place Belogar."[/color], Ricky smirked. He knew this would be good. And being surrounded by like-minded people? When he would get out of here he would be ready for those heroes. Now just to find some new drinking, smoking and killing buddy. [color=brown]"Hey you two? Anyone of you taking a Psycho Major?"[/color], Ricky just randomly asked a pair of finely dressed and good looking teens. [@EchoicChamber]